Chapter 12 - Unexpected Crush

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Evie and I soon reach the lotteria and we get out of the car and walk inside and sit at a table with three chairs in front of the windows that run down one side of the wall to the left side of the building. I sit down in front of her and wondered why we were sitting at a three seater table. "Why are we sitting at a three seater table?" I ask, confused and I raise my eyebrow, like I usually do, a little. "Oh my friend, Annalise is coming to join us. We were planning on coming here beforehand so, I thought that you could just come with us since you asked." She smiles.

"Oh." I nod and smile softly "Well looks like i'll make some new friends today." I giggle and she joins in. Suddenly a short girl, shorter than Evie, walks in. She has short brown hair and brown eyes and looks really pretty. She walked over and sat down beside Evie. "Hello Evie." She smiles at Evie and looks over at me. "You must be the girl Evie did the photoshoot for. Mia, i presume?" She says while smiling softly. "Yes, that's correct" I smile and nod "And your Annalise, is that right?" She smiles and nods. "How old are you?" I wonder what the age gap was between me and her. "I'm the same age as Evie, so 20."

After a While of just chatting about things with Evie and annalise, our food soon arrives and we start eating, then Evie looks up from her food and speaks. "Felix is so hot, even though he is my boss, he really is." she says, and I have a feeling she is Imagining Felix in her head. For some reason I feel a little pang of jealousy, but I 100% know that I do not like him and that I only think that he is hot. "Well he is actually babysitting me at the moment." I speak up. Evie's jaw drops slightly "Is he actually?"

"Yeah. My brother went on holiday to France for a month, and he and Felix are friends and he told him to look after me for a little bit, so..." Evie's face turns blank as she sits, and stares at me and I look at annalise in confusion on why she looks so jealous. "She has a crush on him." Annalise mutters. "Oh." I nod slightly, understanding why Evie is so jealous. I look back at Evie "You don't have to be jealous because, he doesn't like me and I don't like him back one bit." The memory of him making out with me on the couch pops back in my head and I immediately shake the memory of, again. Evie's face lights up, a little "Oh, that's good then."

"You should come over this afternoon so we can all watch a movie, including Felix. You should also come over to, Annalise." I smile at them both at the suggestion. They both nod at the idea. "You never know, something could happen between you two." I say and wriggle my eyebrows at Evie and she giggles. "Well i'll meet you guys at my house this afternoon." I say and hand them both a piece of paper with my address on it, and then stand up and wave bye to them and call a taxi home.


Thanks for reading <3 

Words: 566

-𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎- 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓍 𝐹𝐹✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang