Chapter 2 - Interview

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On the way there jisung just talks about the holiday he was going on and how excited he was. He was going over to France for a month to explore the country with his girlfriend, Rose. I was going to have to deal with being lonely for a whole month and not having my brother beside me.

"I'm going to miss you when you leave." I tell him while turning the music down a little. "I know you're going to Miss me sis but i'll be back and you will have a job, so you can focus on that instead of thinking about me." He gives me a glance in the revision mirror before looking back at the road. "I know, it's going to be different without you."

We pulled up to the building where I was going to have the meeting. I was trying to get hired to become a model. I looked up at the building as I stepped out of the car, it was a grey/black colour and had 'ROYAL modelling" written on a brightsign at the top of the building. "Woah this place is cool." I gasp softly as I take in the whole building and look back at Jisung. My brother looks at me and nods "Pretty cool, right?"

I glance back at the tall structure and see a man appear from the building. He was tall and had slick, black hair and looked pretty handsome. He walked over and stood in front of me and Jisung, with a soft smile. "I'm Felix, and you must be the New girl from Australia, Mia I presume?" I manage to give him a soft smile back. "Yes that's me." I say with a slight nod. "That's a really lovely name, just so you know. His smile never washes off his face. "Thanks." I can hear myself giggling inside my head.

"Well come on in." He turns around and starts leading the way into the building, but I turn back to jisung before walking away. "Well I got to go, i'll come and pick you up later." I nod and watched my brother get into the car before following Felix into the building. I continue to follow felix until he leads me into a dimly lit room which I was suspecting was his office. 

I sit down on a chair in front of Felix's desk and he sits in front of me behind the desk in his chair. I looked around the room, there was the desk with a couple files of paper to the side of his desk and there were a couple cupboards to the side of the room.

"So do u have any experience with being a model?" Felix's voice echoes out through the room, his deep australian accent rings through my head, shocking me slightly. "Well a little, when I was a kid I used to do photoshoots with my mother." He nodded and grabbed a notebook that was sitting beside him on his desk and he scribbled something down. I sit there quietly waiting for him to finish writing.

A couple minutes later he leans back in his chair and runs a hand through his hair, only now did I realise how hot he was. He had silky, slick black hair and he was a pretty buff man. I blush a little to myself and try to hide it so he doesn't see. "You're pretty cute, you know?" I look up at him when he says this, I see a beautiful smile planted across his face and I blush a little more, god he was making me flustered.

"Oh uhmm, thanks." I say a bit awkwardly "I think I'll hire you." He was looking me up and down slowly, taking in my beauty. "Really?! Thank you!" I smile widely, and am very proud of myself. I had managed to be a model of one of the most famous companies in the world. "No problem, you deserve it." He was still leaning back in his chair smiling at me.

"So is your brother going on holiday?" Felix gaze moves back up to meet mine after he had started daydreaming while looking down at the desk. "Yeah he is, how did you know?" I ask him with a confused frown on my face. "Oh, were really great friends, and he told me that he would be going away for a month and asked me if I could watch u and look after you." I frown slightly, with confusion and anger. "So you're telling me Jisung asked you to basically baby sit me?" My confused frown has now turned into an annoyed frown.

He nods slightly "Well, i guess you can put it that way" He glances up at the ceiling before looking back down at me as i let my rage spill. "But I'm perfectly fine on my own!" My frown is still planted on my face, why did I have to be watched and looked after, I was freaking 17!

"I know you would be, but your brother asked and I said yes and I don't want him to be worried or anything." Felix says frowning at me slightly. I sigh "That's not really an excuse but, fine. Are u going to be staying at my house?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows slightly.  He nod "Yes i will be." His voice was softer now as he crossed his arms over his chest while he relaxed back into his chair "But!-" Felix cuts me off.  "No buts, I will be staying at your house whether you like it or not." He says in a deep tone. I sigh and frown "You're not my father" I say crossing my arms.

"But im your boss and u will do what I say." He says while glaring down at me from his chair, not moving a muscle except for his jaw as he talked.   I remember that he is my boss now and think to myself "I guess i can't lose this job so..." I say to myself in my head. "Ill will be moving in for the month and I will start that tonight." I hear him mutter and my gaze flys back up to him with my eye wide. "Tonight?!" Felix nods slowly before talking again. "Well your brother is going away tomorrow, so I might as well move my things in tonight."

"Fine." I sigh and roll my eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me" His voice gets deeper and so does the glare that is forming on his face. I decide to roll my eyes again. "I said don't roll your eyes at me!" He snaps in a split second and stands up knocking some things off the corner of the desk as he slams his fists into the table. I instantly double back, sinking into my chair, trying to make myself disappear into the depths of the black leather fabric.  

"You will start your first day at work tomorrow, understand?" He sits back down at his chair in front of me but behind the desk. I grasp my composure back and I sit back up in the chair slightly. "What time do I have to be here?"

"Well since i'm moving in with you tonight for the month, you can come with me to work." He deepens his glare making sure I have heard every word from his mouth."Ok fine..." I cross my arms and pout at him.


Thanks for reading <3

Words: 1.2k

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