Chapter 12 - F$*# Rules

Comenzar desde el principio

"GUMMIES?!?" Chantel claps her hands together with excitement, " Good. Something that will put me to sleep and forget that I'm in the middle of nowhere."

Cody stops moving the bag and looks at Chantel, "Really, you couldn't stop at Gummies!!" Cody said, mimicking Chantel, clapping.

"Fuck off and just open the damn bag." Chantel scoffs at Cody.

Cody continues.

GREAT. I roll my eyes as I see my friends, jumping in their spots with their eyes popping out of their sockets for this candy. I know it's not just any candy, Chris and Chantel wouldn't be so excited, as they try to eat healthy foods, but this kind of gummies is not for the faint of heart, but now i know in about fifteen minutes, i'm going to lose my best friends to a influential world of riding the wave of hallucinations and stupid conversations.

"Nicole, you're going to have a couple, right?" Chantel asks.
" No, not tonight." I answer, not happy with this turn of events.

"You mean not ever." Cody says, looking at me as he takes a handful of gummies, before passing the bag to Chris.

"What Cody means, " Chantel interrupts glaring at Cody, "Just take one or two, just to take the edge off. To relax and forget the shit that's happening to us." Chantel coveys.

"Well, I'm in," Chris announces as he pops the two gummies he grabs into his mouth, " If there's a chance of being eaten by a bear then at least I'll have fun tonight."

"Wrong thinking Chris. Embrace the possibilities of letting the gummy take you into a space of anything." Cody said as he lit up his cigarette.

Rico grabs the bag from Chris. He looks at the bag, "if Nicole won't have any, neither will I." Rico gets up and passes the bag to Chantel.

"What are you doing Ricardo?" I ask.

"Nothing, no point in you being the only one not high while you watch us having a wonderful time."

"He's right. You'll be bored, while we have fun." Chantel says as she chews her gummies.

I hate when my friends put guilt trips on me. I know they want me to embrace the more relaxed, fun side of me, but I'm scared to. I'm scared of saying things or doing things that might change my life and hurt my parents.

"Come on Nikkers!!" Cody shouts out loud as he stands up as he pumps his chest out, "live a little. Embrace your wild side and see where it goes."

Well that didn't take long. I look at my three friends who are now officially on cloud nine. Chris looks like he's dancing to music in his head, Chantel is talking to herself about the importance and philosophy of beauty and Cody is doing some kind of dance.

"And you guys wanted me to act like that?" I said to Rico, "fuck no."

"Nicole?" I heard Rico say. I look at him with a sour expression, "is it that hard to let go and relax for you?"

I look at Rico shyly. Rico is the only one of all of them who doesn't in my life. He does not question my choices and, although he is also not crazy about Gavin, but says very little about him.

" I'm scared of what I'll do, or say, if I'm not in control."

Rico smirks confused, " what could you possibly say or do that would be that bad?"

I look at Rico. I want to say a few things, but I can't. I want to tell my friends a few things, but I don't want them to get mad or hate me for it. I want to keep it hidden in my heart.

"I don't want to regret anything, you know I hate confrontations." I say trying to cut this conversation short, " You know Rico, you can join them. I'm fine babysitting your asses."

Rico chuckles as he holds my hand, "Nah. I'll stay sober with you. That's what friends are for."

I laugh, "really?" I say.

"Yes." He said as his smile disappeared.

"What?" I ask.

Rico takes a deep breath as he looks at me, trying to find words, "ah, I want to ask you something, but I'm not sure if I should even entertain the idea. I don't even know why or how it happened."

I move my body to face Rico, "Are you ok?"

" The real reason I didn't want to eat any gummies is that I was afraid of saying something out loud that could cause a lot of shit on this trip." Rico starts.

"You don't have to say it right now." I told him.

" I need to say it to someone, cause it's bursting inside me and I don't know what to do with it."

I look at Rico's hands holding mine tight, Oh God, Not you too.

"Ah Rico. I love you as one of my best friends, and I think we're best..."

Rico leans closer to me, " I think I have feelings for Chantel."

I look at Rico. Well that was embarrassing. I smile at Rico, then realize the sticky situation he's in. the silent crush.

"Oh?! When did you realize that?' I asked.

"I always had some level of liking Chatel, but on this trip, the more I see her letting go of her Influencer image, the more I find myself thinking about her and feeling excited when she comes around me. BUT don't fucken tell any of them. If Cody finds out, I dont know what the fuck he would do."

I understand Rico. I find myself in that same situation with Chris. That's why I can't lose control on this trip. I'm afraid that I'll say something or do something with Chris and then have to face the wrath later.

I squeeze Rico's hand, "I won't say anything." I promise as I smile at Rico.

Rico smiles at me, "Now, which one do you think is going to hit the ground first?"

We both laugh as we watch our friends have fun in LaLa Land.

*** okay. So Cody continues to bring the fun on this trip, but is really avoiding the questions about his intentions of this trip.  And now Rico has admitted out loud about Chantel!!!!  I let me know what you think of this chapter. I sat on it for a few days trying to figure out how to bridge what's coming up next. Don't forget to touch the cute star at the bottom!!  🥰

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