Chapter 4 - Ci vediamo a Milano

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Days passed, and it has been 2 weeks since I left Japan to stay in Monza. In the last 2 weeks, something happened and almost all of that was a new experience for me. Which is I can say something good in my life. I expected my life in Monza would be more difficult because of the new environment faced, but with some old friends and new friends, I met in the club. That difficulty that I thought didn't exist anymore.

After joining the meeting in Vero Volley for a jersey photo shot I was late that day, thanks to a local person named Rosalie who guided me to the Vero Volley Arena. And the day when the welcoming party was held was something that I can't forget. In front of Monza local people and families of Monza that night finally I joined these new families and was introduced to all the people who I am even though I thought they already knew who I was.


That day of the testing match, fortunately, I met Yuki-san's club Allianz Volley Milano for doing friendly match in Vero Volley Arena. It has not been a long time since I faced Yuki-san, but today we're not Japan's National team and for sure we're on a different team that will face on the court.

"Kind of, but I guess not as nervous as the first time I joined Padova"

Yeah, if you said I was nervous of course because I will be the representative in the new team, more of that I will be with some of the famous players like Stephen Maar and Gianluca Galassi and the 2nd setter from Brazil after Bruno—Kreling Fernando. Well, I will work hard together and study more volleyball techniques from all of them.

"Let's chill up in Milan after the match"

That was Yuki-san idea. Since he lives in Milan for good sake he has a car here. So I guess strolling Milan with him isn't a bad idea since Monza isn't far from it.

"Yes that's a good idea"


After the testing match in which Yuki-san club won the game in 4 sets, we continued our promise to chill up in Milan which Yuki-san said he found a nice restaurant to enjoy the day after the first match-friendly match in this season.

I can say that the first match wasn't going easy for me, since the team is new and I just came here less than a week that means we need more time to build the teamwork to strengthen the team. The first match of Superlega for Monza will start on October 23rd.

While enjoying the food in the restaurant, we talked a lot about volleyball and also something nice I can visit in Monza that Yuki-san knows suits me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

While enjoying the food in the restaurant, we talked a lot about volleyball and also something nice I can visit in Monza that Yuki-san knows suits me. He also talked about his sister Mayu-san who also plays in the Italian club—Bisonte Firenze this season.

"Did you already meet her here?"

"Not yet"

I laugh and remember what Yuki-san looks like, even with his own sister sometimes looks awkward even though I saw their interview together on the Japan's broadcast last month. Maybe Yuki-san just wants to look professional in front of people, but besides that, I know he's a lovely man, especially with his siblings. He talked sometimes Mayu-san also called him to give advice about volleyball.

After eating and talking for almost 1,5 hours, finally we went out of the restaurant. We're strolling Milan for a while before I back to Monza with a train. Yuki-san showed me Duomo the famous cathedral in Milan, a place he had taken photos for Milano's promotion days ago. I can say this place was nice, especially with the huge building and the old architecture that was so good to take a photo shot.

After that, we strolled for a while in the city, although Yuki-san suggested showing me another place in Milan, but I guess it's time for me to back to Monza since I must continue training with the team tomorrow. So Yuki-san will take me to the train station.

But, in the corner of the city when Yuki-san's car stopped at the traffic light, I saw someone familiar in my eyes. She's smiling and talking with another woman that holding a girl around 9 or 10 years old.

"Yuki-san, I will stop here?", With a confused expression of Yuki-san I ready to open the door to go out from his car.

"You serious? You don't know where the station takes place"

"I will ride a taxi. Thanks for today's meal", 

I ignored Yuki-san who called me once again, and got out of his car to approach someone who still speaking with her friend in front of a shop in Milan. Lots of people passed by so I guess she didn't realize me till I called her name.


She looked at me with a shocked face that someone called her by a Japanese title in the busy city of Milan. Another interesting moment when I saw the woman who talking with her was Japanese people, very visible on her face.

"Takahashi-san", she smiled and answered me while the other woman looked at me with a surprised face.

"Takahashi sensu? OMG how can I meet you here, my husband is a fan of Ryujin Nippon"

That woman spoke, and while Rosalie realized my confused expression, she introduced that woman as one of the guardians of her student which is the girl that she held. And another important information I got, Rosalie was a teacher.

"I guess it's time for me to go, nice to see you here Takahashi sensu, and see you on Monday Danesi sensei", Rosalie smiled and nodded and waved to the girl that she told me the name was Ayumi.

"So, you speak Japanese too here?", 

I open the conversation. Even though we just met once before, when we talked in the subway while she guided me to the Monza I just noticed she was an easygoing person.

"And so I think the complete story will be nice in the coffee shop, Takahashi-san"

I smile and agree with her request, we walk to the coffee shop nearest, and I guess the long story in Milan will complete my day I don't care if it passes till midnight, and even when I still don't know how to back to Monza, but Rosalie is here and I think she will guide my way to back home, again.


I am back with my promise to the next part this week.

and if you are curious about the first long conversation between Ran and Rosalie, wait till the next part hehe

and did you expect they will meet again in this circumates?

Well, we never know where my brain will bring their step in this story, #peace

so see you in the next part, maybe soon.

Happy sat night and thanks for reading this story

with ❤️

Grazie - RAN TAKAHASHIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें