Chapter 1 - Ran Takahashi

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Chapter 1 - Ran Takahashi

National team season finally ended with such a big achievement for us. In July, finally we created new history for Japan Volleyball with reach 3rd position in VNL. This is my 1st International medal. Except Olympics, VNL will always be my goal to get the medal. And finally we got it after beat Italy in 5 games.

2 months after VNL, we focused to the Asian Championship, which is held a month before Olympics Qualification Tournament in Iran. We just finished runner up when AVC held in Japan 2 years ago, it was disappointed moment, so this year, after got our VNL medal we want to get the Asian title as well and that was what happened. We claim Gold medal in front of thousands of Iran's fans.

And the last memorable moment in our NT's in 2023 was when we finally got a ticket to attend Olympics Paris next year. My 2nd Olympics will really come. With emotional moment I hug Yuki-san and all of Ryujin Nippon members. We were so happy that day, after lost by Egypt on the 2nd match, finally with all of our strength, we'll go to Paris next year.

"Be carefull, Ran-chan"

So now we'll back to the club's season. I will back to Italy for the 3rd time, although this time I will join in the new club called Vero Volley Monza. If you ask am I happy? Of course! Italy always be my big dream since I was young. And now with Olympics ticket in our hand, I want to continue grow stronger to be the ace of Japan's volleyball like my captain.

"It's not my first time go to Italy, okaasan. If you remember"

My family take me to the airport. After did a short interview with some media outside, now I'm ready to board and left Japan on the next 6 months.

"I know, you just will face a new place, so I guess you must be careful"

Mother was so excited when I joined Italy's club. She always support me even she come in Italy every years when I was there, on the March this year even my father and sister also come to saw me. My mother always remember me to be careful, not to be late, and every mother's word to her children in usual. The way she always nagging to me just one of the other word to say that she loves me, and will always support me in every way I take.

The last 2 days before my depart to Italy, I met my friends to at least catch up before I left Japan, also with my siblings and cousin. And now it's time to say goodbye for a while to them. Hope I'm back to be Ran who'll be stronger in person.



It was Sunday when I finally arrived in Monza for the first time. During my tournament in Italy since 2021, I rarely come to Monza so I can say this is new for me. But Italian surround isn't new anymore, at least I know how to communicate although sometimes with my body language of course.

"Hey, Ran. Welcome to Monza"

In the last 2 years in Italy, I live in Padova university's dormitory, which is in my 1st year, Bottolo who's the pure Italian studied there, always guide me around so I will not get lost. Bottolo also the one who always accompany me so I can adaptation with people in the team.

Since the last year Bottolo moved to Lube, left me with my new friends like Guzzo in Padova. And this year something interesting just happen again. You know this ace of Canada's team Erick Loepky, who's also my teammates in Padova with Bottolo 2 years ago, he's moved to Monza too this season which is he came faster then me, so I guess he's the one I'll need his help during my first time in Monza.

"Thank you, Erick. It's a new place for me. I guess I'll need your help"

"No worries buddy, I'll be your tour guide", We laugh before finally continue our walks to the café around.

"So, how's your new place? Is it good?"

During my survey to the new place in Monza, Erick also help me to find some place around Vero Volley's hall near his place. In any condition I also ask Yuki-san who already live in Italy since 2017 even when now he stay in Milan. But, some advice of Yuki-san can be my consideration to find a place.

"Yeah, quiet good. At least I can live in comfortable"

I answered then Erick continue to tell me some place I can find some of Japanese food around here or supermarket he know before. Indeed this man did his survey sooner than me. And that's very help me to adaptation with my new environment.

I can say that Monza is a good place. Not much different from Padova, with Italian architecture and towering cathedrals everywhere. I can see the new side of Italy, and of course it was different with my one favorite place in Italy-Venice.

Monza is modern city. While just need 16 minutes by train from metropolitan city-Milan, I guess Monza has the similar feels like Milan in usual. And that was good because on the free time I can face Yuki-san and spend the time together.

We part ways after time is 3 pm in evening. I must tidy up my luggage which still 70% while Erick need to back his place too, because his child just make video call before and I guess he also need his time to face his family before our routine in the club start tomorrow.

When I already back in my place an hour later, after stop by in Carrefour and buy some of my basic needs, I got message by my mother.

From : Okaasan ❤️

What are you doing, son? Did you already tidy up your things at your place?

Well, I guess I'll continue to get this message from my mother. Till I say "yes I did" or till she make a video call and see it by herself. So, that was my first routine in the new place called Monza. And I will start to prepare myself to Vero Volley for beginning interview in this season, and well a little welcome party maybe. So, good luck for myself!

 So, good luck for myself!

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Cast Introduction

Name : Ran Takahashi

Nickname : Ran

Age : 22

Occupation : Volleyball Athletes

School : Nippon Sport Science University (last year)

Remaining club : Vero Volley Monza (23/24)

Grazie - RAN TAKAHASHIWhere stories live. Discover now