Chapter 2 - Rosalie Danesi

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Chapter 2 – Rosalie Danesi


Va bene, e ora dia andare a casa. Domani a tutti
(It’s time to go home. See you tomorrow everyone)”

Ci vediamo domani, Signorina Danesi
(See you tomorrow, Miss Danesi)”

I close today’s lecturer with smile on my face. Teaching always be my favorite things since I was young, beside my mother was also teach student in University in Japan, while watched her deliver knowledge to people create another dream for me. I want to be a teacher like my mother.

People always said I’m pure Italian, although that wasn’t true. My father was Italian businessman when he met my mother during his business trip in Japan 30 years ago. And decide to left Italy when he got married with my mother. Than 3 years later I was born in the Tokyo. Grow and live there till I graduated from high school.

Something happened in the past which make us move in Italy. During my childhood till I’m teenager, my visit in Italy maybe just for 3 or 4 times before we move here. Father always instill a sense of love for family, so even he decide to live in Japan which is my mother’s hometown and where she was work, he always make sure us also visit my grandparents in Italy.

From : Papa
Marco misses you, I hope you visit us this weekend.

I smile while reading my father’s text. I already plan to visit them in Monza this weekend which is just need a short time from my place. But, sometimes I just need my time alone to create the value of my life. So, even when I can back home everyday from my place, I decide to live here and sometimes visit them in weekends.

To : Papa
Saro li in serata, Papa
(I’ll be there in evening)”

I tidy up my lecture things and on the way back to my place. I teach one of the International school in Milan. Say it easy but it’s not. Teaching children is always different with teenager. I always remember every time my mother tell me story how she feels about her students in University, the way she teach was like discussion session with friends.

But, children was different. Especially 4th grade of elementary school. We can’t say they’re already teenager but not child anymore. So play the cast as their teacher like how we can understand each other’s though. Although sometimes it feels so hard. But the sense of fun dominates.

5 minutes from school to my place which I rent together with someone. I left a message to my friend which I will left Milan in weekend and ready to visit my family in Monza.


“Rose, is that you?”

I just open the door when something hard bump to me. With the smile in his face, Marco hug me which is feels like hug my feet. He always call me every weekend, tell me to back home so he can spend the weekend with me. This 6 years old little brother which someone who can bright my day better than I expected.

Being  the only child of my parent it was me. Till I had a little brother. When Marco was born, I never want to got it. I still mad to my father with all that happened 4 years before. But after long time I know, with Marco here and with someone that maybe nothing like my mother, but she can accompany my father for his 50’s. I relieved.

And Marco with his handsome face that show the mix gene of his parents also being my entertainment when I was sad. I still remember when Marco was 3 years old and that time I must move to Milan, he cried on my arm for almost an hour. Even when my father tell him that he can always visit me in weekend, he just stick to me and hug tightly.

Now I know how the feels how siblings I had, although Marco just a step brother to me, but the love he show to me too for him just feels like nothing boundaries we had. He’s my brother overall.                 


Mi manchi, Rosalie"
(I miss you)

Mi manchi anche tu, Marco"
(I miss you too),

I squat in front him and without wasting a time he hug me tighly.

“Let Rosalie put her things first, Marco”, he just pout listen his mama’s advice and then pull my hand towards inside.

There’s no different between Marco such my little brother with my students a school. Father tell me that I will be the good mother in the future because I can understand children very well. Which is it also my dream, I want to be the best mother like how my mama gave her love for me.

La mia Rosa"
(My Rose)

It was 2 months since I back home because some of my work during semester exams. Beside my father since spoil me like his little baby girl even when I was 27 years old since months ago, but I love it when the best man in my life hug me. The way he caress my hair and kiss top of my head every time I’m home, always created a little tears in my eyes. Just, if only mama is here too.

Aitai, otousan"
(I miss you, father)

I feel his smile. There’re not  time in Italy when I speak with my mother’s language except I misses someone that teach me to speak that language.

I know very well to speak Japanese since we live in Japan for almost 17 years and I take a local school there. Even though, my father also teach me to speak Italian. So both of my parents language I can speak very well. People said my face nothing like Japanese people, but I speak like native.

“Papa make a pizza for you, Rose. Your favorite one. Andiamo”,

Marco enthusiastically grabbed my hand and follow him to the kitchen. So that’s what my weekend will be like in Monza. I will spend tonight with my family and I guess I’ll strolling around the city tomorrow.

Cast Introduction

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Cast Introduction

Name                    : Rosalie Danesi

Nickname           : Rose

Age                        : 27

Occupation        : Lecturer

School                 : University of Milan (Mathematics)

Work Place        : BDC School Milano

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