"Morning." Harry smiled at her as Anne stood at the stove, cooking some eggs.

He came up behind her, placed a hand on her back and kissed her cheek before sitting at the bench opposite.

She turned around with the fry pan and scooped some eggs onto his plate as Harry rubbed his hands together in excitement.

"Thanks mum." He grinned, picking up his knife and fork with a cheesy smile as Anne leant forward, over the bench and kissed his forehead.

"All packed?" She asked him, and he nodded, making his mum laugh a little as some eggs fell from the corner of his mouth.
"Harry." Anne chastised him as he rolled her eyes at his messiness.

"Good morning!"

Both Harry and Anne looked to the doorway as Anne's new husband, Robin walked into the room.

"Hey dad." Harry smiled as he walked past him and patted his shoulder sitting next to him at the bench.

"Morning, love." Anne smiled at him too as she served him some breakfast. He smiled back, before leaning over the bench to kiss her.

"You excited, son?" Robin asked Harry as he began his meal.

"To be starting Uni?" Harry replied after he finished his mouthful. "Yeah. To be moving away from home?" He shrugged. "I think I'll miss it, but I'll be okay."

"I'll miss you." Anne cooed, making kissy faces at her son, who cringed and moved away.

"Mum." He drawled. "Stop."

"Oh Anne." Robin laughed. "He'll be fine, leave the boy alone."

Harry rolled his eyes at his parents just as he finished his last mouthful of food, putting his cutlery on his plate.

He stood up and walked to the sink, placing the plate inside before leaving the room.

"I'll leave in about 10." He called out to his parents as he started climbing the stairs. "I've got a long drive."

"Okay, baby." His mum called back out to him right as he reached his bedroom again.

He double-checked all his shelves, making sure he'd taken all his books and things that he wanted.

His books were very important to him. He loved reading and he loved the stories they told. Each one reminded him of some thing in his life, some reminded him of a particular person, some reminded him of a memory or a particular day. But every one of them reminded him of something meaningful.

He had taken all the ones he possibly could, filling a whole box of them to take with him.

He ran a hand over the bookshelf, moving on to the wardrobe, then his desk and then finally to his bedside table.

He picked up his old, worn copy of Tom Sawyer from the table and put it into his satchel, along with his laptop, car keys and brand new schoolbooks.

Harry then grabbed his coat from the end of his bed, resting it over his arm before getting his suitcase.

He looked over his room once more, a smile on his face before he stepped out, and closed the door.

He dragged the suitcase to the bottom of the stairs, meeting his parents there.

"Oh Harry!" Anne sobbed as she hugged him tightly.

"Mum." Harry laughed as he hugged her back. Robin stepped forwards and hugged them both, the family sharing one last moment before their son pulled back.

"Well," Harry nodded. "I should be off."

Anne and Robin stood back, the woman's head on her husband's shoulder as they watched Harry walk down the front path and towards his car.

He pushed open the little gate and looked to his side, at the neighbor's house. It was a habit he had never shaken, having done it everyday for years.

He sighed, thinking about the person who used to live there and how long it had been since he'd seen them.

Then he looked away and tried to push it from his mind, like he had done everyday for the past 6 years.

He packed the last of his luggage inside the car and waved back at his parents one last time.

"Bye!" He called out.

"Have fun!" Robin waved.

"Be safe!" Anne added, making Harry smile.

Then, he climbed inside the car, started the engine and drove away, ready to begin his new life at university.

His stomach was a flutter with nerves and excitement, but more than anything, he felt a sense of adventure.

Like something was new was going to happen that would change his life and turn it upside down.




I know it's kinda short, but yeah, there's the first chapter :)

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Also, (for anyone who reads my other stories)

Some of my stories are in the BROMANCE AWARDS: Lights, Camera, Harry (Popular Larry category) and A Little Too Much (Up and Coming Larry category), so it would make me SUPER happy if you could go and vote for them! x

thank you so so much if you do! :)


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