[>Chapter 3: My time, My reality>]

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{Location: Yohei middle school, Time: 1:25 p.m}

*Insert anime school bells ring*

" Alright, everyone have a nice day."

" Finally the school is done for today."

"...Maaaann..... I'm so tired..."

" Bye Takagi!"

I feel so tired.

" Bye everyone. Have a great day!" As I leave the classroom towards the rooftop area.

It's already after school and it's about a month after I've been transmigrated into this world.

Right now, I need some alone time to process my whole situation right now.

I open up the door and luckily for todays , the weather is cool and not too hot for me to enjoy my times alone.

I sat down and do my homework there.

While doing the homework, I started to think for myself after being in this world for a month now.

' Living in this place is sometime hard for me to get use to. A world that I know solely base of the book that was widely popular in the clock apps.

Then, this whole Isekai to another world thing happen to me. Like that one manga called:,

[ I was a broke college student and now I became an idol in the new fictional world while having a yandere as the male lead]

Something like that.'

Then I put the book back to the bag and go down to the shoe locker.

'At one hands, I like that I was transported to a whole another dimension.

It was cool but to think more logically it feel so wrong knowing how I already died but relive back by some unknown entities.

Speaking about entities, Raphael and Ariel is such an odd things to happen to me. They could just let me die without giving me this second life but they insist on it anyways. One that look like an angel and one look like a devil.

What a strange combo.'

I arrive at my shoes locker and I change my shoe and walk towards the school gates.

' Sometimes, I forgot that I'm a girl now and I would accidentally go to the boys toilet. Luckily, it usually when there's no one in the toilet.

Other than that, I've been cautious about If I accidentally trigger some event towards my surroundings and but, so far to me there wasn't any bad incident happened yet.

But this time, I will be cherished my moment in this new reality.

Sure, my parent are non-existent either do I have any relative in world that I can depend on but I still have people that care for me.

For example, the people in the orphanage that I've live in.

The caretaker and the headmaster of the place is so nice to everyone and never have I seen the place having any abuse or bullying. The kids at the orphanage is nothing but sweet and playful.

I don't have any issues with them and when I told them I was going to move out they try to convince me that I don't have to. They offer me that I could just be a caretaker of I'm interested after graduation. I mean I would, but I wanna try to be an idol again.

After a long talk with them, they let me if the president would sign a guardian document to legally taking care of me.

Well, the president came the next day after I told him about it and he sign it without hesitation. I thought he would at least think about it again but I guess not.

Higeki No Idol [Oshi No Ko] ON BREAKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora