You could almost feel pity for him creep up from inside of you, seeing the once so proud Jedi struggling to get back up on his feet, with his comrades' dead bodies lying all around him. Slowly you walked towards the defeated Mundi, your hellish yellow burning eyes holding nothing but a cold emptiness.

"If you want to hear my last words, Sith, there is nothing else I feel for you except pity,", General Mundi uttered as you placed the tip of your blade at his throat, "for you chose the dark over the light, you chose to be weak. You don't see your own-"

"Enough!", you shouted, finally breaking your silence, your deep Sith voice echoing in the Jedi's ears, "The arrogance of you Jedi seem to know no boundaries, since even in the face of death you utter nothing but nonsense. You delude yourself with your outdated doctrine and fail to realise the truth lying beyond it. Do not dare to lecture me about the Force and spare me your pity, for I have long ascended above what you could never even dream to be."

General Mundi's eyes widened in disbelief as he seemingly recognised your voice.

"You are-"

"The last thing you will ever see." you respond coldly.

The sound of your lightsabre hummed through the air as you granted the Jedi one last moment of silence to reflect on himself before putting him out of his misery. But just as you were about to end his life, shots rained down on you from above.

"My Lord," a B1 battle droid interrupted the moment, after you blocked the incoming bolts coming from the gunships that brought the republic reinforcements, "One of the clones managed to call for reinforcements."

The droid pointed at the last trooper crawling around.

"Why didn't you stop him?" you inquired of the machine, then shifted your attention back to the Jedi. "Take heed, Jedi. Your era will fade away, unbeknownst to you."

"Retreat!" you ordered your droids as you walked away, letting the Jedi live. But as a parting gift you quickly snapped the last of the clone's neck and threw his corpse at the Jedi, for him to look at what was awaiting him.

After your encounter with General Mundi, you returned to the Reaper and your forces waiting in the orbit of Geonosis. You changed back into your normal black robe and put the crimson mask back onto your face. Now instead of your shoto sabre you took the beskar blade and put it on your back and headed for the bridge.

"Return the droids to Thule and make sure to mix some of our droids within those of the CIS all across their forces." you order your trooper and end the transmission.

"My Lord, there is an incoming transmission from General Unduli." communication officer Vessec informed you and you approved with a single nod.

The white hologram quickly built up in front of you, revealing the figure of the Mirialan Jedi Master.

"Where have you been?" Luminara asked curiously.

"On patrol." you respond simply, "What's the current situation?"

"General Skywalker and Master Mundi were shot down by the enemy and needed to advance on foot and while Skywalker advances, we received a report, that General Mundi's forces have been almost completely eradicated but luckily, he managed to survive. He is currently getting treated on the Resolute but seems to be unconscious at the moment. Master Kenobi's forces were the only ones to make it to point Rain and established an AT-TE vanguard, but according to Commander Cody, Master Kenobi's Gunship was also shot down and he was heavily insured." Luminara informed.

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