"Yes Popy! You are looking handsome but not more than me! Ren said which made Arsh smile a little while sighing. " Sir, here is the print out copy of the tickets!" he took it from my hand! "Thanks but can't you go with us?"

"I wish sir! But my uncle is waiting!" Sorry uncle (Saying sorry of course cutely).

"See you tomorrow sir!" I bowed and he nodded. "Call me if there is any emergency at the hospital!" "Sure sir!" saying I took my leave.



Me and Ren already reached our venue, and so many people were all waiting here as Kia still hadn't arrived. As we have VIP tickets so we moved to the VIP area.

Ren is enjoying the moment too much! "Oh Popy, I can't wait to see her!" he said excitedly, I patted his head. To be honest, I also can't wait anymore! Finally my dream to meet with her is going to be fulfilled.

I am excited and nervous at the time! Or I say I am more nervous than excited! Meanwhile my heart is beating like a bullet train! I have never been this much nervous for any business deal.

Suddenly my attention took the announcement
"Hello MK's! Hope you all are doing good! So finally the wait is over! Welcome to our shining star Kia Marshall!" the host said and there is SHE!!!!

Seeing her for the first time this much closer, I felt an electric shock all over my body. Oh god Arsh calm down. As always she is looking like a goddess! She is wearing a peach-coloured dress with simple yet elegant makeup and her open long hair!

"Hey my MK's, how are you all?" she spoke with her soft voice. The whole crowd shouted "We missed you"! Yes I missed her a lot as she is on her break. "Aww I missed you guys more!" saying she gave us a flying kiss! Oh man, it's too hot here!

Time skip

Finally It's time to meet with her! Ren is there, talking with her and after Ren it will be my number. She is literally smiling ear to ear while talking with Ren! Her smile is enough to make me go crazy!

Ren moved and I forward and I think my heart is going to explode! Before signing the album she looked at me, for a few seconds she was looking directly into my eyes and smiled. "Hello! Mr. Arsh Ivan! Nice to see you" she again gave me a smile.

But I furrowed how the fuck she knows me? But then my eyes went to the sheet which was in front of her. In that sheet all the VIP guest's names are written, mine as well!

"H-HI K-Kia!" wtf did I just shuttered in front of her! I just kept looking at her, she is actually an angel who accidentally dropped into the world from heaven.

A small furrow touched her forehead, "You don't want to ask or say anything?" she asked. I internally chuckled as I know the fans who came to meet her, came with thousands of things they wanted to talk about with her but I don't have anything to ask or say to her because I just came here to see her! To see what is mine!

"No! Seeing you is enough for me!" she chuckled. "People came here to tell me so many things but you! Very bad!" she said with her fake angry pout. And she is looking like the most adorable human in the world.

"You are very bad!". "But not in bed! I promise!" Her pen stopped, she looked at me without any expression. Meanwhile I am giving her a very loving gaze.

She continuously blinked a few times because she was trying to figure out if she was listening to me right! She doesn't know what reaction she should give! Her whole face is kinda confused which made her more adorable and cute!

She moved closer to me "Mr. Ivan, mark your words! Coz I won't forget this!" she looked directly into my eyes and lastly gave me a wink. Wtf! I widened my eyes because I was seriously joking about the bed line plus thought she will be shy after hearing me but oh my god from where this bold Kia comes!

And the words she said, oh my god part 2! What was she thinking??? Me and her in one bed!!!! Wtf Arsh enough thinking for today! Before she takes your joke too seriously, get out of here!

My meeting time with her is over so yes now I have to say goodbye to her. Now my heart feels heavier! But without saying goodbye she said "See you soon!" I confusedly blinked.

"You are saying like we are going to meet again! I said. "Because maybe we will! She gave me a beautiful smile which made me smile too! Yes, as always she is the only reason for my smile........



True to say, On the whole fan meeting I was dying to meet with Arsh! And yes seeing him again in that blue suit, I am not really that okay!

Finally when it was his turn, he came but didn't talk. Did he really come just to admire me from closer? And the moment when he said that bed line! I swear I was feeling weird things inside my body. My ears are about to turn red but I tried hard and stayed calm.

Must say he knows how to flirt too! But the way I answered him, please I can't believe it on my own! How suddenly boldness touched my feet? But the way he widened his eyes! He looked so cute! And now he is leaving and left!

A smile touched on my lips after remembering about a few minutes ago but suddenly my eyes stopped at Naina who is literally glaring at me with her arms folded and I gulped. But wait, when did she come back? She said she has important work and it will take time but here we go!

I showed her my crocodile puppy eyes and she gave me another hard glare! Someone save me from her!!!!


"WHAT THE HELL! THIS ALL HAPPENED AND I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING???? Naina shouted with her widened eyes. "Haha yes" I nervously chuckled but immediately stopped after seeing her glare.

"Naina I wanted to tell you but I was waiting for the perfect time! If I told you everything from the beginning you would never seed me as Arsh's secretary!". She thought for a moment but eventually nodded "Hmm right! But tell me one thing again! Is he really your fan? I still can't believe it!" I smiled and nodded proudly "Yes he is!".

Naina looked at me with furrowed eyes but suddenly started smirking. " What?" I asked in confusion. "Do you like him Kia?". I stopped blinking, what she was saying! Do I like him? Do I really like him?

" Ahem ahem" Naina fake coughs which made me come back to the real world! "U-Umm W-What a-are y-you s-saying? It's nothing like that!" saying I quickly ran away.

Next Day

As usual I came to the Ivan house, I found Arsh in his who is busy checking some files. "Good morning sir!" "Morning Miss Nira" he replied while looking at the papers in front of him.

Before I could ask about his breakfast he already said "I already ate my breakfast so let's go to the office!" saying he closed the file and got up. But stopped moving when he looked at me! He furrowed hard and moved near me.

"This necklace... " he pointed at my neck. I looked down. Oh god! Shit man! After the fan meeting I forgot to take it off!!! "This only has Kia! So you...." Am I caught?????....

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