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"Leehan, Let's go" Taesan stood infront of Leehan's desk, adjusting his coat button, Leehan's eyes traveled from his shoes to his eyes, the eyes that were staring at him. "Let's go love, you can stare at me how much you desire later" Taesan said with a smile as Leehan's cheek has a visible red tint to it. Leehan stood up, clearing his throat, his eyes looking at his colleagues who were shocked hearing Taesan being so bold. They walked outside their department and Leehan grabbed Taesan's wrist turning him towards himself.

"Aren't you enjoying this too much?" Leehan whispered and Taesan shook his head. "What do you mean?" Taesan asked leaning closer, slowly tucking a strand of his hair behind his ears. Leehan's eyes trembled before he closed it. "Are you expecting a kiss?" Taesan asked, still being close to his face. Leehan opened his eyes, to see Taesan smirking at him. "No" Leehan said, walking past him. Taesan walking behind him with a proud smile. "Oh here are the couple" Leehan's eyes widen seeing their CEO, Taesan kept walking until he was standing beside him.

"Yeah, We're ready to go. Thank you so much Mr. Park for the dinner" Taesan said smiling at him. Mr. Park nodded before turning around. "Yeah, I was about to call you, but I'm glad that you remember it" He said smiling teasingly. Taesan slowly kept his hand around Leehan's waist. "Ofc, We'll remember your generosity, right darling?" He turned towards Leehan who nodded with a smile. "Yes, Thank you so much Mr. Park" Leehan bowed a little and Taesan smiled, turning towards Mr.Park.



Are you nervous?" Taesan asked him, they were on their way to the restaurant where Mr.Park has invited them. "Yes" Leehan said looking at him. "Leehan, It'll be fine" Taesan smiled at him and Leehan nodded, trying to believe in his words. He can't believe that the guy who he used to hate, is the same guy helping him now. His words used to annoy him but they always comfort him now. "Thank you Taesan" Leehan said and the older smiled glancing at him.

"We're here" Taesan chirped and Leehan sighed. "This restaurant is so famous, I've heard their food is amazing" Taesan said as they walked towards it. "Leehan, Are you ready?" Taesan grabbed his hand, Leehan nodded after a sigh. "We can do it" Taesan said with a smile and Leehan nodded. "Yeah, let's go" he smiled back, pushing back all the bad thoughts he was having.

They walked inside the restaurant, they had the separate room. They went left, to see the company members sitting there. "Oh welcome, new couple" Mr. Park said and two of smiled before sitting on the empty chair beside him. Taesan sat beside Mr.Park and Leehan sitting beside him. "So, let me introduce you to the new couple of our company" He said and others cheered. "it's Mr. Han and Mr. Kim" He said and everyone clapped "We wish you a healthy and long relationship" they said and Leehan nervously smiled, thanking them.

"Let's cheer now" Mr.Park said, everyone having a glass infront of them. Taesan grabbed the glass of water stretching his hand to clink the glasses in front. "Mr. Han, that's no fun" Mr. Park said and Taesan smiled, "I've to drive back and I also have a boyfriend to take care of so I'll skip" He said looking at Leehan, who choked on his drink. "I'm sorry" Leehan said, taking a sip of water as Taesan rubbed his hand over his back.

Everyone awed looking at them as Mr. Park gritted his teeth, taking a sip of his drink. The dinner went well, the couple getting adored by others for acting sweet while Mr. Park dying cuz of jealousy.

"We'll leave now" Taesan said, grabbing the hand on the guy who looked drunk. "Looks like he had fun, take care of him" Mr. Park said and Taesan smiled. "Don't worry about him. I'll leave now! See you all tomorrow" He said and everyone waved at him or bid him a goodbye.

"Leehan" He said making him sit inside the car. Taesan sat beside him, trying to start the car. "Yess" Leehan chirped happily looking at him. "Are you drunk?" He asked and Leehan shook his head "No, I'm not drunk Mr.Han" Leehan said looking at him with a smile. "Well, you look drunk" Taesan said looking at him. "What if i am? I know you'll take care of mee" Leehan said leaning towards him. Taesan just looked at him without saying that.

"Taesan" Leehan said, his voice getting serious. "I feel like you're really my boyfriend, the only thing that is left is" Leehan said closing his eyes and pouting out his lips " a kiss" Leehan laughed leaning back to his seat. Taesan chuckled looking at him, acting like this. "But you're not my boyfriend, You're just acting to be my boyfriend" Leehan said pouting sadly, Taesan just sat their hearing what younger wanted to say.

"Taesan, I think I'm starting to like what you do, I sometimes want to be your real boyfriend and I want to kiss you too" Leehan said, whining like baby. "Can I kiss you?" Leehan leaned towards him, Taesan stared at the guy who slowly leaned closer, he turned his head when Leehan was close enough. "You're drunk Leehan" Taesan said, looking outside the window.
"That means I can't" Leehan sat back, keeping his face in his hands. "Yeah you can't" Taesan whispered, starting the car.

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