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IN THE YEAR OF 1798, on a night when the stars of the night sky shimmered and the moon was full, history was about to be made in the nation of Ardoria.

Queen Thalassa Draconelios of Ardoria, the first of her name, a queen who had lived for over a millennium, was to execute one of the most formidable and dangerous spells there ever was. Or at least, she would attempt to.

The spell was incredibly intricate. It was specific, requiring not only rare ingredients, but rare skill, rare knowledge. The queen unfortunately, only possessed two of the criteria, and that is what led to the spell's failure.

The spell she attempted to execute was to impregnate her with a daughter. She only needed some form of DNA that came from her. Of course, there was another way to conceive, but giving the queen's odds—she had only given birth to sons who were not purebred—the spell was her last hope. She had wanted a daughter to bond with, to pass on her power and legacy to.

Unfortunately, the odds were once again not in Thalassa's favor. The spell had backfired. She did not feel a child in her belly, and she was left heartbroken, her dream unfulfilled.

But little did she know, the Six Gods above had contemplated her wish, and they had considered to grant it, under strict circumstances.

The daughter was most certainly going to be born, but not in Thalassa's time. As a way of teaching her a lesson for trying to bend fate and time to her will, the daughter was to be born several generations later. She would live, but not with her mother.

IN THE YEAR OF 2018, history was about to be made in the nation of the United States of America.

Valeria Draconelios of Ardoria, first of her name, was about to join a group of misfits, a group of heroes, in the city of San Francisco.

She was a girl who never truly understood who she was. She never understood the origin of her powers, she never understood how formidable her powers were, and she never understood how important she was. She lived in Ardoria, her homeland, up until she was sixteen years old. She was raised by her "father", who had taught her both about her Ardorin culture, and of different cultures around the world. He made sure she was educated, prepared.

She was sent to live in America. Why? She had not a clue.

Valeria has always been informed that she was the spitting image of her ancestor, Thalassa. She did not have her dark hair—Valeria's hair had a violet hue—but she had her lavender eyes, her small nose, and her plump lips.

But what people reminded her of more than anything, was that she had her ancestor's personality. She was ambitious, passionate, cunning, and obviously had her fair share of a temper.

At one point, people started to jest, mentioning how maybe Valeria was the daughter Thalassa's always wanted.

Little did they know how right they would be.

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