| 61 | To The Pit

Start from the beginning

He took a deep breath and fought against his fear. Glancing back at the beast, he slowly moved a few feet to Damon's left, and the Amarok's gaze didn't flicker. It wasn't interested in him anymore, and although that made him feel relieved, he was also horrified that something might happen to his mate. He still had a terrible feeling that something was going to happen, but it didn't feel as intense as all the other instinctual warnings he had. He didn't want to ignore it, though.

When he reached the others, he ran beside Wilson.

"You okay, Jack?" the tiger asked him.

He nodded and looked at Sebastien. "I'm getting a weird feeling."

The hound frowned. "What kind of weird?"

"Feeling?" Raphael questioned.

Sebastien glanced at him and said, "Asmodi demon, Lord Caedis."

A look of dread struck the orange wolf's face, the first anxious look Jackson had seen on him. "What is it?"

Jackson tensed up. "W-well...it feels like...I don't know, like something bad is gonna happen."

"When? Where?" Raphael questioned.

"I-I don't know," Jackson answered. "I just...feel it."

"He hasn't entirely honed the ability yet," Sebastien told Raphael.

Jackson frowned in both confusion and curiosity. "Wait, if you're related to Lord Caedis, wouldn't you have the same ability?"

"No. We don't have enough demon blood for something that powerful," the orange wolf answered. "Heads up!" he then warned.

When Jackson looked ahead and shifted his sights to Damon, he saw a vast frozen lake on the other side of the tree line. He didn't remember crossing this place when they'd stumbled on the cadejo pit, but then again, they were coming at it from Kane's side of the area this time.

Damon led the Amarok out onto the ice.

Jackson tensed up again. What if it was the ice? What if something was going to happen on the ice? Was the Amarok too heavy? Would it crack the surface and send itself and Damon tumbling in? Or would another creature come out of the dark and send the man he loved plunging into the depths?

No, it wasn't the ice; he became sure of that when his paws touched it. So what was it? Why was he convinced that disaster was creeping up on them?

Damon continued across the ice, and when they got back into the woods, it was time for him to switch with Raphael. Jackson watched the orange wolf veer to Damon's side, and once the Alpha handed him the inimă, he left Raphael and raced to Jackson's side.

"Guess I'll go next," Wilson suggested.

"No," Damon said. "You'll take the last run; the tunnel we found to get down closer to the pit was narrow, so your agility will help you avoid the Amarok's attacks."

Wilson looked horrified, and Jackson felt anxious.

"Tunnel?" the tiger questioned. "Why not just take it to the edge and shove it?"

"We don't know how safe the edges of that canyon are. One wrong move and the entire ground beneath our feet could crumble," Damon replied irritably.

"Hate to say it, but he's right," Sebastien said. "There's a way for us to push it into the pit though, right?" he asked, looking at the Alpha.

Damon nodded.

"There's a sort of ledge," Jackson said.

"Great," Wilson grunted.

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