" it's twins, girl and a boy"

Tawan rushed to hug Boun, overjoyed. Faih and Jom overheard and came in rushing to congratulate. Tawan hugged his mom, and Jom came to Boun and gently hugged him and congratulated him. Suddenly Boun said

" Ow"

Tawan rushed to his side, and asked what was wrong,

"Are you okay?"

" No, they... they kicked"

" Really?"

" I think so"

He looked at Tawan and put his hand on his bump to feel the kick

" They're kicking"

Tawan kissed Boun's forehead. Faih pushed him away to feel the kick.

" Move my turn"

" No touching Boun"

" Hey let them"

Faih and Jom also felt the kick. Tawan smacked their hands off after a few seconds

" Ow, chill man"

" Okay that enough touching"

Boun laughed at Tawan's behavior and said

" Okay okay they're all yours nobody is stealing them from you"

He said that hugging his waist.

As Boun's bump grew bigger and bigger, he could no longer sleep on top of Tawan which was his favorite way of sleeping. Boun got more and more uncomfortable and it was a pain to sleep. Boun was sleeping, tossing and turning as usual, when Tawan stroked Boun's tummy gently calming him down

"Noo~ don't make your mom go through so much. Calm down and let mom sleep, okay noo?"

Boun stopped turning after that. It was like they actually listened to Tawan. Later at night Boun woke up at 12 am and nudged Tawan awake. Tawan asked if he needed anything. Boun smiled and asked sweetly

"I'm craving sweet and spicy fried chicken"

Tawan looked at the time and said

"Right now?"

"Mm, I'm sorry but I really want it"

"Okay. I'll see if there are any right now. You want to come or stay here"

"I'm coming too"

Tawan got up and changed and put a big hoodie on Boun. They both got in the car and strolled around the neighborhood for a few minutes. After 30 minutes they finally found a place open and got Boun what he wanted. Boun ate in the car, stuffing his face. Tawan wiped his lips and said


"Yep. Thank you"

"Anything for you"

He ruffled through Boun's hair smiling. This thing of Tawan going to get food for Boun was now more and more usual. But Tawan never complained and did whatever Boun told him to.

"P' It hurts"

Tawan ran to his side and asked if it was bad. Boun pouted and said

"No but one of them is kicking me in the rib for five minutes now. I don't know what to do."

"What can I do to help?"

"I don't know, do something"

Tawan looked up on what to do and after a few seconds he gently rubbed on Boun's belly.

"Noo, stop kicking your mom. He's in pain. Be good and stop kicking."

Just after Tawan spoke, the baby stopped moving much and left Boun's rib alone. Boun smiled and said

"That actually worked. Hah, I can't believe I have to do this for 3 more months."

"I'll be here with you, always"

2 more months passed, by the end of 8th month Boun was getting very weak, he would get small pain in his stomach but not enough for labor. Tawan was very concerned about Boun and his babies. He kept close watch of Boun all the time even when he was asleep. After many sleepless nights, Tawan's dad came up to him and handed him a medicine

"Son, give Boun this medicine, it'll give him more energy for the delivery, and also he will fall into a deep sleep so don't be worried, it's safe"

" Okay poh"

Tawan lifted Boun up and fed him the medicine along with some water. Just after a few minutes Boun fell into a deep sleep. Tawan was restless the whole time, Faih and Jom told him to get some sleep but Tawan insisted on staying by him, Faih and Jom sat outside the room. Tawan fell asleep beside Boun, holding his hand tightly. Faih and Jom constantly kept checking up on them. But thankfully for a few hours they were asleep. It was dark outside Faih and Jom accidently fell asleep outside on each other's shoulders, Boun slowly opened his eyes to see Tawan beside him holding his hand. He gently stroked his hair but tawan woke up instantly by the touch. He asked him with a concerned face

"Are you okay? Any pain?"

Boun shook his head. He pulled Tawan closer and softly said "I love you"

" I love you too, we'll get through this together. I'll go get poh"

" No don't leave, stay with me"

" I'll be here always"

Tawan held his face. Boun was feeling lot better, Tawan's dad came and asked

" You're awake? How are you feeling"

" Better pa"

" I'll say you might go into labor tomorrow evening or night"

" Okay pa"

" Tawan go eat and sleep a little, you've not slept for days"

" No poh, I'm fine"

" P'Tawan, go, I'll be fine. I need you at the time of delivery, I need you to be strong, please for me?"

" Me and Faih will be here looking after him" Said Jom

" Okay"

Tawan left but he could only fall asleep beside Boun. He said he can't sleep leaving him like this, so Boun said to sleep beside him and will wake him up when needed. Tawan went home and changed his clothes.

Tawan actually slept for hours, as he was up for so many days with small naps in between.

Dreamt In Blue [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now