Start from the beginning

I see the smirk on his face when he reaches out to shake my hand.

I so want to strangle him so bad right now.


Its now been almost two hours since the sun set and we have been playing all games, but as for me, Reece and I have been only having glaring competitions.

He thinks I will back out on Haley? Ha! Its ON!

I am getting the vibes that he wanta to fight me. Well, I aint gonna back down. As I said, IT IS ON.

If he touches me, he is dead meat.

We sit in the circle to play Truth or Dare.

Midway in the game Haley gets up and leaves mouthing 'Nick' to her so called boyfriend.

Its my turn and Sam asks me to say one truth about everyone sitting here.

When I reach Reece, a nasty thought comes in my mind.

He has been provoking me for the last two hours feeling Haley up and smirking at me, so now it is my turn.

" I am sure I kissed your girlfriend better." I smirk.

"You bastard!" He is ready to throw a punch, but Kale stops him.

Anger takes over me and I bolt up too.

"Reece calm down. He is provoking you."

He sits back down. And I do the same.

James and Ryan leAve to go the bathroom and Kale goes too to get a drink for himself.

After one or two more rounds, the bottle lands on Mikayla and me.

"Dare."I say.

"Great! I dare you to.... kiss a girl." She says.

When i dont move, she says it again.

"I am waiting for her to come back." I say smirking, looking at Reece.

I see him jolt up and ball his fists and throw a punch at me. It doesnt hurt though, but I know it will leave a nasty bruise later on.

I hit him back, anger flowing in my veins.

He punches me again and again. And I give it back. A punch and then another. ONE hit and then another. Back and forth. Again and again.

I was shocked to know that he could give a punch.

But the anger I was feeling at the moment was surreal.

I could feel an audience chearing in the background.

I could kill Reece. Just now. I WOULD KILL HIM.

I could feel blood dripping from my nose and he already had a black eye forming. Reece had his lip cut and hjs collars were ripped. And as for me, I too would have a black eye. For sure. And my sleeves were torn.

Both of us were ready to throw another punch when I heard.

"REECE!! STOP IT. RIGHT NOW!" Someone yelled.

I looked their way.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" Haley shouted.

She looked devastated. Shocked. Her eyes were wide as she looked back and forth between us.

"Come on, Reece." She pulled him by his arm.

"This is not over." He turned back and said glaring.

Balling my fists, I stomped my way out.

I do not know what happened to me, but I was just so angry! Irritated and annoyed with Reece. He just seemed to give the bad vibes.

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