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As far as Han was concerned, this plan was just as insane as Leia's Death Star rescue. Then again, most of their plans were almost on that level. There were so many things that could go wrong.

Hell, Luke himself could accidentally blow up their section of the building in the heat of battle.

He doubted that would happen--the kid was a natural when it came to flying, and he always seemed to know where his friends were at all times--but still. He couldn't help but worry.

"Remember when we were more worried about our own necks than anyone else's?" Lando grunted as they waded through murky, ice cold water. Considering the rank smell and the schematics he'd studied far too much before departing, Han had a pretty good idea of what he was in. He didn't want to think about it.

"Times change," he muttered, careful to breathe through his mouth.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect it to change so much that we'd be helping rescue Darth Vader." Lando flashed his light on a spray painted number on the wall and they took a sharp right. "You don't think he'll try to kill me for Bespin, do you?"

"I think it's a bit late to worry 'bout that." Chewie, whose wet fur smell only added to the sewer stink, grumbled in agreement.

"Is it though? I mean, we could turn around. Luke hasn't started his bombing run. I mean, who even knows what condition the guy's going to be in?"

"Luke won't leave him behind."

"But he's--"

"I know. don't know Luke like I do. Trust me on this. Even if we turned around, Luke would just try to rescue Vader by himself. Besides. If I'm going to rescue Leia, we're gunna need his help."

Because though he had no love for Vader, he fully recognized his strategic necessity. This wasn't completely a selfless mission for his friend. And, if he really wanted to stretch the reasoning for risking his life over this, he could make the argument that having Vader still around for the transfer of power would only help the Rebellion rather than hinder.

But that was a stretch. One that made him feel better about this whole mission.

Lando didn't argue. They continued wading in silence until finally, more numbers next to a ladder indicated they'd reached the right hatch. Chewie looked up, studying the hatch above. "You don't suppose there's a bunch of men waiting to ambush us up there, do you?"

"I hope not." According to the schematic, the room above was an old utility room. There shouldn't be reason to have a bunch of armed mercenaries up there, but then again, it was rather close to the prison corridor and they were holding Darth Vader. It was possible they decided to get overcautious. "If so, let's hope they go running the moment Luke starts bomb--ah. Speak of the sarlacc."

He quickly answered his beeping comm. "You ready?" Luke's voice rang out, echoing through the tunnel.

Han winced and hurried to lower the volume, glancing up at the hatch. He didn't hear anyone on the other side, but he figured he'd stay cautious. "Yeah, we're at the hatch."

"Good. I'm about to begin." A pause. "May the Force be with you, Han."

He knew Luke didn't need it, but he cracked a nervous smile and replied, "You, too."

"It always is."

Han shook his head as the connection was cut. He sounded so confident...but, he supposed, if he was going to attack Prince Xizor's stronghold in one X-Wing, he'd better feel that way.

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