Learning About Luke

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Vader quickly learned that adding to his list of things to know about Luke was much easier when his son was actually there. Not that he told him he was mentally compiling a list, and he himself thought it was foolish to continue to do so. And yet once he'd started, he found it hard to stop. Each fact that was added to the list brought him great pleasure.

The first fact that he added came shortly after Luke began staying awake for longer periods of time.

He'd just re-added a pillow Luke had 'accidentally' nudged off the bed. It seemed like every time he turned his back or left the room, he came back to find pillows on the ground. Once he even caught Leia trying to sneak a few out of the room (and promptly made her put it back).

"I'm uncomfortable," Luke insisted. "I've been sleeping on hard ground for weeks. I feel like I'm being eaten alive."

Yes, he was all too aware of what that was like. Even in his former life, he'd returned home from particularly long campaigns and found it difficult to sleep next to...

He cut the thought off furiously, focusing instead on the fact that Luke shouldn't have had to experience that sort of trauma in the first place. He would ensure this would be the last time he ever felt this way about a bed.

"There are worse things to be eaten by than a few pillows." He pointed a finger at him. "Or would you prefer that monster?"

Luke swallowed thickly, and Vader wondered incredulously if he was about to insist he'd take his chances with the monster, but instead he said, "There are more than a few."

"You will thank me later when you are healed."

He didn't break gazes with him. Anyone else on his ship would have backed down under the weight of his glare, but not either of his children, apparently. No one else would have fought him over pillows, but it appeared Luke liked making his life difficult for himself. But when Luke spoke again, he abruptly changed the subject to one Vader didn't expect.

"Can I at least take a bath?!"

Vader blinked.

"... What?"

"Yeah. Can't you smell me?" Luke frowned, and Vader was even further surprised by the genuine concern in his eyes. "I smell like a sour grape."

"That is just bacta."

"I know, and it's gross. I want to take a bath."

Under normal circumstances, Vader wouldn't have stopped him, but... he was literally unable to sit up. The last thing that should be on his mind, from his point of view, was personal hygiene.

Maybe this was how his son constantly got himself into further trouble. Maybe he was oblivious to how serious his circumstances were and charged forward anyway, making it worse for himself. Had he not noticed that he was unable to even laugh without causing himself pain?


"You...are not asking... me to give you one...?"

He dreaded the answer. Sure, he'd do anything for his son, especially if it meant saving his life, but this really didn't seem like it was a necessary father-son bonding moment either of them needed to go through.

Thankfully, Luke went completely red and gasped, "Force, no! Why the hell would you think that?!"

He immediately noticed the pain the gasp caused his son, but Luke seemed too focused on the horrific image to care. This time, he chose not to mention it. "Good. It will not happen."

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