our little one 1/2

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Night skillfully assisted his father in grilling the barbecue, engaging in a conversation with ease. Meanwhile, other pack members collaborated on cooking various dishes, and some gathered around the bonfire. North's gaze remained fixated on Night throughout the feast, sharing a meal together. After dinner, North deliberately lingered, disregarding the expected departure.

"Come on, son, let's go to sleep. We need to go for a run early tomorrow morning," North's father, Korn, suggested.

"It's okay, Dad. I want to stay and help with the cleanup. You can go," North asserted. With that, his father left, leaving only Night, Neung, and North. North took charge of clearing the tables and gathering used dishes, conscientiously placing them in the sink.

"Is everything clear here?" Daonuea, one of Night's close friends, inquired.

"Yes, it's nearly finished. The dishes can wait until morning," Night replied.

"Alright then. I'm heading to bed; so sleepy," Daonuea yawned. "Good night, friends."

Night grinned as he observed Daonuea's cute wave before he left. "Good night."

"North, you can leave too. Night and I can handle the rest," Neung suggested while disposing of the trash.

"No, it's fine. I can help. You seem tired. Why don't you go to sleep first?" North suggested.

Neung rubbed his eyes, feeling the fatigue. "True. Cover for me, then. Bye!" With that, he practically vanished from the scene.

Night diligently emptied another trash bag into the bin as North stood behind him. Clearing his throat to grab Omega's attention, North found Night feigning ignorance, swiftly closing the bin after finishing his task. About to leave, Night heard North's inquiry, "Are you heading to sleep now?"

Without looking at North, Night simply nodded and attempted to walk away once more, but North wasn't letting him off the hook.

"Night, can I talk to you?" Alpha asked.

"I'm quite sleepy right now. We can chat some other time. Sorry," Night didn't wait for North's response and moved to leave again. However, North seized Night's wrist, halting his departure.

"You're avoiding me." It wasn't a question; North asserted it as a fact. Night blinked, trying to free his wrist while avoiding eye contact.

"I'm not."

"Deception. You're ignoring me," North stood firmly in front of Omega, his grip tightening.

"Night, what happened? Talk to me."

"Nothing," Night replied, still keeping his gaze on the ground.

"Why won't you look at me?" North's hold tightened further. "Is it because of last night?"

Night finally met North's eyes, caught in a moment of hesitation, where desire and fear were unmistakably reflected in North's gaze.

"What are you talking about?" Night knew and yet didn't fully grasp what had occurred last night.

"Night, you know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't."

"You know," North stressed as he moved closer, pulling Night towards himself. Despite Night's attempts to free his wrist, North wasn't releasing him until he got the answers he sought.

Night gulped. "I don't know what you're talking about. Let go of my hand."

"Night, please. We were happy together. We went on a date last week, and you said you liked me. You wanted to date me. What happened? We were about to be in a relationship. I was going to ask you to be my boyfr-" North exclaimed, his grip tightening unconsciously, causing pain to Omega's delicate wrist.

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