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Hei Xue finally finished packing his things. Normally things like this were done by servants but the only one left to serve him in this moment is his lawyer, Hei Yu. He tasked him to leave the room to wait for Wan Lengya and officialize their divorce papers.

He had done his part and signed all that needed to be signed even leaving his own seal to show his full agreement to the separation.

[Host, are you really leaving the country?]

"Just for a while. With my fingers suddenly getting healed, will cause a commotion. At the same time, I want to look for my husband first. Exe observed the Protagonist Gong and Protagonist Shou for me. Record their every single movement."

[Host, I understand.]

Hei Xue left his former hospital room leaving a last glance in that empty room. With a mischievous smile on the corner of his lips, he left a bag of sweets by the corner of the room for those little children who love to visit his room to scourge for snacks. Walking away, he left the hospital and waited outside the hospital building for his chauffeur to come to pick him up. This is to have the chauffeur send him to the airport for his afternoon flight.

Hei Xue decided to leave the country today. At the bench just outside the hospital, Hei Xue waited. With his celestial blue eyes covered behind his sunglasses and hair returned to original pitch black, no one will notice his former identity as Wu Xue unless one knew him so well. Currently playing with his phone he noticed that when his car arrived, at the same time he saw the two men he didn't want to see the most before he leaving the place.

One man in an almost complete white formal suit appeared with his silvery hair and orbs signifying the coldness of ice. An icy king like aura surrounds him, adding his cold atmosphere that can be felt just by seeing him. Meanwhile the other man beside him wore a black and grey matching attire with his pure obsidian hair and eyes showing a gallant posture and arrogance in his presence.

These two are Wan Lengya whose name means the cold night and Yue Wuya, the Silent Moon.

Hei Xue's eyes widened as if to show his surprise but thanks to the glasses he was wearing no one was able to see his stunned expression. The reason he was shocked is not because the pair is extremely handsome but for some other reason only he could understand.

Hei Xue stared at Wan Lengya, "T-This... is he..." silently murmured as he looked and observed Wan Lengya even more closely than he is supposed to be.

Feeling the erratically beating of his heart and the familiarity that person always made him sense, Hei Xue knew that he found him. The decision to forget the man after leaving the first world had failed. Though after entering this second world Hei Xue had made a clear cut in his heart to never expect that he would be able to meet this man for the second time.

After all, he thought that this man is just an original character of that first world. Seeing him now in this world gave him mixed feelings of happiness, confusion, anger, disbelief and yearning. This is the man he gave his whole heart. He would never mistake him for someone else. This is his husband - Wang Tian, of that world.

Hei Xue knew it was him but remembering this man's agreement to their divorce, resentment fills his heart. In the end he decided to still leave the country. A punishment must be given, whether his actions is intentional or not.

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