Chapter 4: The Brotherhood of Creed meets Night Raid Assassins

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The Next day, Before Taka and his Assassins meet the Night Raid Assassins. They were on a mission to assassinate one of the Templar Agents. Taka has received a contract from the woman who has been told that one of the Templar Agents named Gamal.

Taka: Connor, what can you tell me about Gamal?

Connor: Gamal is a corrupt oil merchant, He always sells Oil for a higher price and he always calls a close friend the man named Captain Ogre of the Imperial Police, bribing him so that the captain would frame someone else. Gamal is like the Master of Manipulation, resulting in the deaths of many innocent people.

Taka: Where can I find him?

Connor: Gamal is usually always at his sale house on the east here. He has lots of oil jars that he collects. Deal with him as you must.

Connor gives him the eagle feather and Taka grabs it nods to him and sets off to the east district of Empire City he also helps many innocents along the way and deals with the corrupted Imperial Soldiers. Upon he arrived at the Sale House Oul Place where his target Gamal lives. 

Inside the Salehouse, Gamal counts all the money and starts laughing as he finally has a lot of money suddenly he hears someone killing his men he hears the scream of his bodyguards being killed Taka kicks his door and looks at him behind his Assa...

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Inside the Salehouse, Gamal counts all the money and starts laughing as he finally has a lot of money suddenly he hears someone killing his men he hears the scream of his bodyguards being killed Taka kicks his door and looks at him behind his Assassin Hood.

Gamal: Wait...Please spare me, what do you want?

Taka: your life.

Taka activated his Teigu Hidden Blade on his left wrist Gamal had no choice but he pull out his Dagger and tried to swing at him but Taka in the upper hand able to counter his attack and slice him with his Hidden Blade on the left wrist and his so...

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Taka activated his Teigu Hidden Blade on his left wrist Gamal had no choice but he pull out his Dagger and tried to swing at him but Taka in the upper hand able to counter his attack and slice him with his Hidden Blade on the left wrist and his soul is inside his Hidden Blade and he also collecting blood with his eagle feather.

Taka activated his Teigu Hidden Blade on his left wrist Gamal had no choice but he pull out his Dagger and tried to swing at him but Taka in the upper hand able to counter his attack and slice him with his Hidden Blade on the left wrist and his so...

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