Chapter 20 - Im sorry

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I think Fiona definitely has a problem with her face. Because the second I've walked in the cafeteria, she's been glaring at me. Or maybe that's just her face, I have no idea.

This keeps on going until she finally grows the guts to walk over to me. She places her hand on the table and I blink.


"Is it true you and Matt are dating?"

I blink. "Yes?"

She scoffs. "You better back off, honey, because me and Matt and going to be back together soon."

"Im not in the mood right now, Fiona." I mutter.

"What's your problem anyway? Isn't Matt enough?"


"I saw you and Enzo coming in school this morning together."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"It does, actually. You can't date both of them."

"Im not. If you haven't heard, I'm in a relationship, I don't cheat on people. And believe it or not, girls can be friends with guys."

"Fine, whatever. Just stay away from Matt."

I roll my eyes and watch as she struts away.

"If Lorenzo would've heard her call him Enzo, he would've gone crazy." Eleanor says.

"Yeah." I laugh. Lorenzo hates it when people call him Enzo for reasons I don't know. But he never says anything when I do so he probably doesn't listen when I talk.

I glance at Matt's table and he's already looking at me. I smile and he doesn't smile back, only a hard look on his face.

I frown and turn back to the girls.

"What's the deal with him?" Aarushi asks.

"You see it too?" I mumble. "I have no idea."

"Probably on his period or something." Enzo says, walking over. He steals the fries off my plate and takes out his phone.

Matt stands up and walks out. I excuse myself and follow him out. He's standing by my locker when I find him, the same expression on his face.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I frown.

"What did Fiona say to you?"

"Just that you're going to get back together and stuff like that." I mumble. "You know how she is, right? Don't give yourself a hard time because of it."

He punches his locker. "She has some fucking audacity say that."

"Why? What's wrong?"

He looks at me and sighs. "I don't know if I should tell you."

I eye him suspiciously. "Tell me."

"When Fiona and I were together...her and Lorenzo used to hook up."

I bring my hand up to my mouth. "Enzo?"

"Yeah." He sighs. "I can't believe she thinks ill get back together with her after she did that to me."

"Oh, god, Matt, I'm so sorry." I sigh. What a jackass that Enzo. How could he possibly do this?

"Its fine." Matt sighs. "I have you now, it doesn't matter."

I kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry about what Enzo did."

"Its whatever." He mumbles.

I expected it from Fiona, honestly. But from Enzo? Sure, he wasn't that good of a person but really?

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