Chapter 6 - Niagra Island

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Two weeks was over in a blink of an eye.

It made me sad that this is all going to be over soon. Not only that I'm going to be leaving this beautiful cruise but I've actually made some really good friends.

The three boys are genuinely fun to be around. Though, I am convinced Lorenzo is bipolar or something because he's always mad or happy.

I am currently packing up my bags. I'm not bringing everything, only a few things that I'll be needing. We're going to be in Niagra for two days only and we'll be coming back to the cruise after.

Lorenzo went downstairs a while ago, leaving me to pack my things freely. I quickly close my suitcase and lock the doors before going downstairs to the lobby to meet my parents.

We reached the island a while ago and I'm just now getting off.

"Did you find out anything about the room situation?" I ask my father who was busy on his phone.

"I managed to get you a cabin for yourself."

I let out a breath of relief. "Okay, thanks dad."

Two days, alone.

Niagra was basically Maldives 2.0. It was an island where locals lived in hotels.

No houses, nothing. The jobs were in hotels only and schools wasn't on the island.

The island was beautiful though. As we're walking down the promenade deck, I'm looking at the clear, clean sea. It was a light blue water and I could easily see corals and fish inside.

The island was literally so small. We were only here for the enjoyment of the hotels, really.

We head to the entrance of the hotel and are greeted by the workers who hand us some type of juice freshly made.

Now, the rooms.

This was amazingly gorgeous. I can't believe I'm going to be living here by myself.

It was those small little bungalows/ villas in the middle of the ocean. It was all connected with pathways, and the rooms were gorgeous.

I was kind of scared the floor would crack and id fall in the ocean, though.

Inside was my bed, a small bathroom and then there's a sliding door which led to my own personal pool.

No freaking way. There was a small lounge area too, and don't even get my started on the hammock that laid just above the ocean, with nets.

I'd be kind of scared, I won't lie.

As I'm looking to the side, I catch the three boys, looking around their own cabin.

"Oh, hey, J!" Andrew yells. "I can't believe we're neighbours, how cool is that!"

"So cool." I say, smiling. I head inside and climb up the two step stairs onto the bed. There was a huge window right next to my bed, floor to ceiling.

And right next to me was the boys' cabin. There's was bigger then mine and it seemed like Enzo's room was right across from mine.

I watch as he walks into his room and lays on the bed, taking out his phone and scrolling through it.

I didn't even realise I was staring till he looks up and smirks when he sees me. I flip him off and pull the curtains close.

Hopefully I don't get flashed with him being my neighbour or something.

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