Failed investigation (Chapter 3)

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"First of all, I heard you have received threats, and someone tried to assassinate you, Wriothesley."

The second Neuvillette said that it was like the entire world went silent. Even with Neuvillette's sharpened senses, the only thing that could be heard in the office was the sound of their breaths and the pipes squeaking. Wriothesley said nothing, and Neuvillette only stared him down, clearly expecting a response. Wriothesley took a sharp breath in and exhaled slowly.

"I don't believe that's any of your concern now, is it, Monsieur?"

"What happened to call me by my name? Did you perhaps lose your confidence?"

"No, but isn't this business?"

"I already told you, Wriothesley, I'm not here on official business."

"So I should assume that the Chief Justice is worried about me? So much that you came all the way down here to ask if I'm okay. How sweet." Wriothesley mumbled sarcastically.

Neuvillette, for once, didn't know what to say. Surely, he wasn't worried about the duke. That would be absurd.

"Not quite, Wriothesley, but I am worried about how the situation will affect the fortress and the rest of Fontaine. If someone did manage to assassinate you, who would rule over the fortress, and how would it affect people?"

"Wow, sounds like someone has thought a lot about it, huh? Do you perhaps find me incompetent or incapable of handling the fortress's affairs, Neuvillette?" Wriothesley said, eyeing Neuvillette up and down, hoping to figure out what went on inside the head of the Iudex.

"I do not find you incompetent, Wriothesley. It's quite the opposite. That's why I cannot allow you to be put in danger. The control you have over the fortress is necessary." Neuvillette explained.

"What an honor. I never thought I would receive praise from you, Chief Justice, in my days."

"Don't get used to it."

"I won't"

Neuvillette kept trying to get information out of Wriothesley but to no luck. It frustrated him that the other man wouldn't tell him anything simply because he didn't have to. The tension rose between them. Both could tell the other wouldn't back down. 

Neuvillette then grabbed Wriothesley's collar and pulled him up from his chair and close to himself. He maintained eye contact and calmly told him, "You can solve whatever is going on yourself, but if things fall apart, don't expect my assistance."

Wriothesley couldn't help but smile in surprise. Had he managed to hit a nerve and frustrate the always oh-so-calm and composed Chief Justice? Neuvillette dropped Wriothesley right back in his chair and turned around on his heel to leave. He didn't get very far, because, in that moment, a loud bang was heard throughout the fortress.

 Neuvillette turned back to Wriothesley and spoke, "Perhaps I won't have to ask you what's going on. It seems someone is eager to catch your attention, and now he has mine additionally."

"Perhaps it's about time you return to the surface, Monsieur. Don't you have work to do?" Wriothesley said, even though he knew it wouldn't help.

 Neuvillette didn't bother to answer and left the office without another word and immediately began to look for what caused the loud bang. To his surprise, nothing seemed amiss. He looked around the fortress and tried to ignore all the stares he got, but nothing seemed wrong. No one looked panicked, and it didn't seem like anyone had even noticed the loud noise. He thought to himself. Maybe he was the only one who had heard it because of his enhanced hearing, but then again, Wriothesley had also reacted to the noise. So it couldn't be that. 

He kept searching, but it had been too long since he last had been in the fortress. The map he had in his office, which he knew by heart, could no longer be used here. Why did the fortress have to change anyway? It had only been a few decades since he was last here, yet he had no idea where exactly 'here' was or how he would get back.

Things were starting to get annoying. Neuvillette had to admit he was lost. The tunnels in the Fortress of Meropide are all too similar, and it didn't help that people immediately left wherever he went. Not that there was anyone, he had long ago stopped seeing people in the tunnels. Perhaps he should have asked for directions a while back.

After a while, he realized he had been walking through the same tunnels over and over again, and did not know which one he originally came from.

"Aw, did someone get lost?"

Neuvillette knew that voice, and he was not in the mood to get taunted.

"What do you want, Furina?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to ask if you have made any progress, though it seems you've gotten yourself into an unfavorable situation. I am sure the Duke is already solving things, and you don't even know how to get back" She chuckled, clearly amused by this.

"If you're so all-knowing, perhaps you could help me instead of bothering me?"

"Or I could get someone else to help you."

Neuvillette didn't even have time to ask what she meant before the Duke was dumped into his arms.

"Furina, don't tell me this is your pathetic attempt at a joke?"

"Don't be so cold, Neuvillette. I merely thought the best person to help you find your way out would be him. He is the leader of this place. I'm sure no one knows this place like him." She said with a smirk that only proved to him that she was only doing this for her amusement.

"Take him back to whatever he was doing."

"I don't think I will. See you later."

And with that, Furina left Neuvillette with the utterly confused Duke, who in the time they had spoken, had stood up and now was staring at Neuvillette with eyes that demanded an explanation.

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