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Chimon pov.

The school finished. Marc insisted that I watch their football practice. I am sitting on the audience seat staring at Perth, making me smile. I am hurt, but still, I can't help smiling. He is so hot and cool when he plays football. They took a break, and Marc and Pawin came to me. I look at the sky. It seems to be going to rain soon. We came to the hall where some students were sitting cause the sky had already started to shower.

"Hey Chimon," I hear a voice calling my name. I look towards the owner of the voice. He is our upper classmate, P'Parak.

"Swadee khab Phi"

"Swadee khab. As you are here and the weather is quite good so I want to tell you something"

"Sure, phi." Good weather??

He suddenly kneeled down in front of me. All the students start to scream, making me realize what is going to happen.

"I like you for a long time. Since the first day I saw you. I want you to be my faen. Will you?" I never expect a proposal like this. I was confused. I look around. Everyone is screaming, "Say yes."

But the person I notice is Perth. He is staring at me. I don't know what to do.  P'Parak again asked me.

"Please say something."

"P' It's not that I don't like you. I like you."I said and looked at Perth, who just left the hall. Where is he going it's raining outside?

I continued my words."But like a friend, not more than that. I am sorry I can't accept your proposal. "

"But why?" He asked, disappointed

"Cause I already like someone,"

"What whom???" Marc sceram out of nowhere

"I have to go. I will tell you everything but not now, " I replied to him and ran from the hall. I looked for Perth everywhere, but he was nowhere, I ended up in the ground between the heavy rain, tears rolling on my cheeks.

"Chimon," I hear a soft voice calling me name from behind. I turn to the owner of the voice.

"Where was you?" I asked him while wiping my tears.

"Are you crying?"

"No, I am not." I said and trun my face.

"Congrats," He said sofly in a deep voice.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"For your new relationship with P'Parak."

"Oh. Thanks, " I said in anger. He didn't hear anything and thought I agreed.

"I am happy for you, na. You said you like me just a day before, and now you are in a relationship with someone else. That's great, " He said in anger, which was visible in his eyes.

"Yeah. What do you think I will wait for you? No, never. Why should I wait for you when you don't like me?"

"If you wait, then you ended up hurting yourself," He said. I notice his eyes are full of tears that he is hiding it between the rain.

"You never love me, right?" I asked, crying.

"Never. Who would like someone like you? " He said, making me punch him.

"Awuch. Why did you hit me?" He asked in anger.

"If you never love me, then why you were concern about me? Why did you choose to be my bed friend? Why did you take care of me?" I asked him between my sobs.


"Cause what?"

"If I even say the reason that's not anymore worthy"

"What's the reason? Say it, Perth." He stares at me for a few seconds, then bends down a little and connects our lips.

Parted away and said,"I am sorry for not answering you that day and ignoring you. But it's too late to understand it. Be happy with P'Pa.... I cut him off by connecting our lips. Our lips melted in each other like they were made for this. This is the first time I enjoy our kiss like this. No lust, just love.

"You are an idiot. Why didn't you hear everything that I said and run from there in the middle? I rejected him. "

"Oh! What?" He asked in shock.

"Yes, I reject him. I like you and how can you say I will be his boyfriend?"

"So it means you like me??"  He asked, being so excited.

"Chai," I said with a smile.

"Be my boyfriend, will you?" He again asked in exceitment.

"Khab." He hugged me so tight when he heard me saying yes.

"I love you soooo much,"

"I love you too. Now let's go inside we will catch cold"

"Let's go back home,"

"Let me call Marc and Pawin,"


"Leave me then," I said cause he was still hugging me.

I called them and went inside to an empty room, just four of us. 

"Chi who you like ,why are you both wet, what happened?" Marc asked in one breath as we entered the room.

"Will you let him say Marc?" Pawin said, calming Marc.

"Umm, it's a long story," I replied

"Do you like each other?" 

"Each other?"

"Perth and You"

"Of course, they like each other. Can't you see that idiot?" Pawin said and flick on Marc's forhead.

"Auch," Marc whined.

Me and I were shocked by Pawin's answer. I don't know what to say.

"Yes, we like each other. Do you have any problem?" Perth replied and kissed my cheeks. My cheeks start to have a pink shade at his sudden action.

"Aoo. How sweet, " Pawin said, making me more blushed.

"Yuck. How can you say it's cute? I want to puck, " Marc said, acting like throwing up.

Both Perth and I rolled our eyes.

"Oh. You should go back now. You are totally wet, " Pawin said, and I nodded.

No one pov

Four of them start for their home. Pawin looked for a cab, but for heavy rain, there wasn’t any available.

"I will drop you," Perth said.

"No need you go ahead I will hind a cab. Your house is the uopposite. "

"Perth, you carryvon I will drop him. We have to go the same way after all, " Marc said.

"Ok then, bye."


Perth and Chimin left.

"Let's go," Marc said to pawin.

"It's ok, you go. Your house is before mine, and if anyone saw you, it would be a problem. "

"It will not. If you don't want to die in the cold, then let's go to my house. Is it fine?"

"No, it's not," Pawin said, hesitating.

"Hoi! You talk too much, you know. Let's go, " Marc said and grabbed Pawin's hand and headed to his car.

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