Chapter 22

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Alec awoke early to see his husband touching his hair with a adoration. His lips formed a smile.

"When did you woke up?" Alec inquired in a husky tone.

Magnus smiled and said, "A while ago."

"What time is it...?" Alec inquired of the warlock.

"I guess around 7," Magnus murmured.

"We have to make breakfast...Max and Rafe will be here soon" Alec attempted to sit up, but Magnus stopped him.

"Lay down a little more... Alexander...don't forget your husband is a warlock," Magnus chuckled, and Alec nodded with a smile.

"Do you think we can go in..?"

Rafe inquired of Max. They were both standing in front of Magnus's apartment.

"It's our home.... brother" Max said.

"They must be sleeping... it's too early," murmured Rafe.

"Oh come on it's 8 in the morning and dad wanted us to come early" . Max elaborated.

"Well...I don't wanna see my parents making out as the first thing in the morning" . Rafe sighed.

"Don't be shy brother we've seen worse" . Max laughed as he looked at his brother's expression.

"Please don't remind me..." Rafe closed his eyes. Max opened the door and stepped in. He took a peek around and waved to his brother.

"All clear....Come in big brother.."

Meanwhile, Magnus and Alec were in the kitchen preparing breakfast and occasionally kissing.

"Dad.... Baba..." Max yelled, drawing their attention.

The kids arrived. Alec muttered as he pulled away from the kiss.

Magnus and Alec emerged from the kitchen to discover their children standing in the living room.

"Why are you guys standing their frozen?" Magnus inquired, perplexed.

"Hmmm... just to make sure we don't catch you eating each other's faces," Rafe said, rolling his eyes.

"We're good....Brats," Magnus murmured, and Alec flushed bright red.

"Thank the Angel," Max said as he raced up to Alec and hugged him, followed by his older brother.

Magnus was slightly pushed into a corner by his sons, while his husband looked at him helplessly.

"Brats..." Magnus sighed, his face angry.The scene in front of him, on the other hand, warmed his heart. Only he knows how long he fantasized about this.

"Ok ok leave my husband..." Magnus touched Max on the shoulder.

"Jealous much ah?"
Rafe inquired, his tone light.

"Not you, my son... Alexander, what have you done to my responsible son?" Magnus said, with a fake gasp.

"Dad grounded your favourite son baba" Max giggled and Rafe glared at his brother.

"What ?" Max broke out laughing as Magnus exclaimed.

"Max..." Rafe began, warningly.

"Hey, no fighting," Alec said.

"Max how's your wounds are you ok now..?" Alec inquired of his younger son.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Max responded.

"Who told you to run around without permission brats...what if Alexander and Jace hadn't arrived on time...?"
Magnus pinched his sons ears.

"It hurts Baba,Dad please...." Max appealed to his Dad for help.

"Magnus, leave them... let's eat something... the kids must be hungry."

"Fine" Magnus left Max  and Rafe's ears. Max immediately run into Alec side hiding behind his Dad.

Breakfast was served at the dining table by the family.

"So did Jace and others told you about my situation" . Alec enquired of his sons.

"You being the Angel...yeah, we know," Rafe said.

"Are you guys ok with it" . Alec inquired once more.

"Yeah why not... isn't it amazing.. my Baba is a prince of hell and my dad is an angel...that means....We're untouchable...we're royalty OMG" Max beamed.

"Don't worry Alec...they are more than ok with it..." Magnus burst out laughing.

"But keep it in the family for one else can know about it..." Alec stated.

"But why dad.... uncle Jace also said the same..." Rafe was perplexed.

"I'll explain later...but for now, eat..." Alec responded.

"Oh...I almost forgot... Dad, you left your phone at the institute yesterday," Max said as he reached into his pocket for the phone.

"Give it to me..." Alec took the phone.

"87 missed calls..." Alec exclaimed.

"In one night Who called you...?" Magnus inquired.

"From  my brother and....Leo" . Alec responded.

"Leo...." Alec lifted his brow at his son and husband spoke at the same time.

"Yes Leo...does anyone have any problems?" Alec inquired in between messaging his brother and Leo.

"No...not all.." Rafe spoke awkwardly.

"Actually...I do...." Max stepped in.

"Why...?" Alec put his phone away and inquired of his younger son.

"You got your memories back Dad...break up with him..." Max insisted.

""I can't..." Alec said.

"So you want to keep your what about Baba...what about us?" Max asked, slightly raised.

"Max...." Magnus had forewarned his son. He didn't like what it meant, but he couldn't let his son speak to his father at that moment.

Max murmured, "Sorry." Rafe remained silent. He loves Leo, but he wasn't sure how to handle the situation.

"I can't break up with Leo because we're not in a relationship in the first place," Alec stated flatly.

"What...." Rafe yelled in astonishment this time, which drew Alec's attention to him.

"I mean but he...I mean Leo...said that..." Rafe sutterd.

"He was not in a good place or mind when you broke up with him...he kinda went on a self destruction mode. Anyway, it's not my story to tell... his parents intended to send him abroad which could've made everything worse. So we decided to behave as a couple as his family trusted mine completely. In exchange, he swore to me that he would never return to the life he had chosen."

Rafe looked down in guilt as Alec spoke.

"So he was never your boyfriend" . Magnus inquired for reassurance.

"No.... he's more like a brother to me" . Alec made a terrible expression.

"But yeah now i feel like he can be my son in the future.... right Rafe?" Alec smirked, and Rafe gave an awkward smile.

"But they broke up...and considering how Leo smashed his nose that day, I doubt they have a future."  Magnus stated.

"Still Leo is the one who's still resting from back pain" Rafe choked on air as Alec murmured.

"I don't want either of you getting hurt Rafe" . Alec stated solemnly after taking a long breath, and Rafe nodded.

Magnus looked at his husband, puzzled, and Alec mouthed, 'I'll explain later,' and the other nodded.

The family ate breakfast happily and spent the morning making up for all the missing family times in the past.

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