Chapter 20

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Alec was standing in front of Magnus' apartment door. He was quite nervous. On the one hand, he craved his husband's touch while also feeling guilty to confront him after what he had done to him. He mustered all of his confidence and entered the dimly lit apartment. Rafe informed him that Magnus had been put to sleep following his collapse. Alec took off his shoes and jacket and entered their old bedroom, where he discovered Magnus sleeping. Dry tears streamed down his cheeks, making Alec feel even more awful. As he kissed his husband's forehead, tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Magnus..."

He caressed the other's head which woke Magnus up he was half awake and seeing his Alec face made him think he was dreaming.

"it's a dream right no way that you're here must be a dream" With fresh tears in his eyes, the warlock muttered.

"No it's not magnus I'm here now" Alec made a shaky motion with his head.

"Oh, you're speaking in my dream." I'm at least fortunate in my dreams....Alexander, may I hug you... are you sure you won't fade...I just want to feel you..."

Magnus, powerless, inquired as to what had broken Alec into thousand pieces. In tears, he instantly hugged his husband. Both of them were now sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's just a dream just a dream don't be fooled... Magnus..." Magnus kept repeating to himself, as if telling himself not to build any hope.

"What have I done to you Magnus...."

Alec's query was more like a question to himself.

Alec managed to get Magnus into the bed and join him. Magnus hugged him closely, and even though he refused to believe it wasn't a dream, he wasn't ready to let go of Alec.

"Just don't wake me up, Alexander... let me stay with you," Magnus said quietly. He was worried Alec would leave him once he awoke.

"I'm here Magnus.... I'm here"

Alec kissed his beloved's forehead. Magnus was still under the sleep spell, which caused him to sleep shortly.

"I'm not leaving you again Magnus not this time.."

While stealing another kiss from the sleeping form on his chest, Alec muttered.
Magnus slowly began to awaken at midnight. When he realized it wasn't a pillow that was carrying his head, he looked up and saw Alec, and panic poured over him, waking him up fully. He jerked away from the other which woke Alec.

"Magnus are you ok..?" Alec inquired in a panicked tone.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Winchester? What games are you planning now?"

Magnus's tone was stern.After the act he pulled in Idris, Alec knows it will be difficult to convince Magnus. It's strange how Magnus attempted to prove to him that he was his husband all this time, and now Alec has to prove to the other man that he is his husband.

"Magnus, this is me Alec... Alexander."
Alec stated cautiously.

"Oh i know who you are i certainly remember it, as you made it clear last time" Magnus said with a scoff.

"I'm sorry, Magnus." I got my memory... I'm Alec, and I'm your Alexander.... Your husband". In an imploring tone, Alec said.

"Don't....just don't.... " Magnus, get out of bed.
"Don't make me look like an idiot again." He went on to say.

"Magnus please..."

"Prove it," Magnus demanded, glaring at Alec.

"What...?!" Alec raised his brow in perplexity.

"Prove it, and I'll give you 1 minute," Magnus said.


"What now... I'm doing it your way... your time begins now," Magnus said, snapping his finger.

Alec closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. Perhaps this is it...he realizes he deserves these words from his husband after all he has done.

"Fine..."Alec murmured as he approached Magnus, then smacked his lips against his husband. Magnus was surprised and unable to respond, but he eventually warmed to the familiarity of the kiss. Alec withdrew the kiss and said,

"Our first kiss was like my supposed to be wedding with lydia but you crashed it and i blew it"

Alec peered into Magnus' cat eyes, rubbed his palm over his cheeks, and chuckled in tears.

"Your eyes.... it's're beautiful,"

Magnus seems to have forgotten to breathe for a split second. Only he and Alec are aware of the talk that occurred the first time they made love to one other.

Alec wiped his tears away and his gaze was drawn to the necklace Magnus was wearing. He cautiously lifted it up and looked at the ring linked to it.
He kissed the ring and looked at Magnus in the eyes...

"Once i asked you if 'I was your first shadow hunter', and you said 'you're my first in..." Magnus hugged Alec as if his life depended on it before he could finish.

"So many things," they both mumbled together..."you're my first in so many things..." Alec said and Magnus tightened the hug while crying. Alec was also a sobbing mess.

"So i guess one minute is over now" .

Alec asked while still clutching Magnus, eliciting a chuckle from his husband.

"It's really you....You're back" Magnus said after pulling out from the hug.

"Yeah I'm back"

"And you're you"

"Yeah I'm me"

"Alexander, I missed you so much". Magnus took his husband's hand in his and kissed it.

"I missed you as well...I'm truly sorry. Magnus I'm so sorry for how i behaved".

"It's okay, none of that matters; all that counts is that you're here, and that's all I've ever wanted".

"I love you." Alec stated,

"Alaxander, I love you too". Magnus replied.

Alec drew him in for another kiss.The kiss was full of love and longing. When they were pulling away, Alec noticed his husband's cat eyes, which had a flash of fire. Magnus grabbed Alexander and kissed him once again. Alec was well aware of Magnus' desires. He wants the same thing. Alec began kissing the other's jaw, which elicited a low moan from his husband.

"Are you sure....?" Alec inquired in a husky tone that sent thrills up to the warlock's spine.

"Yes," Magnus responded.

In between kisses, Alec carried the other onto bed and began unbottoning Magnus' shirt.

"Do you wanna top..." Alexander asked his husband, who was drowning in bliss.

"No...I wanna feel you...." Alec smiled when Magnus responded. He started worshipping his husband's body with kisses. Hands started roaming on each other's bodies like they were trying to remember each other's bodies and they claimed each other with pure love.

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