Chapter 15

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When Magnus entered, Alec was talking with Max.

"Good morning, Alexander," he said, smiling.

"Good morning," Alec replied.

"Are you ready for the trip to Alicante...? this is your first time there right?.
Magnus asked the other with a pleased tone. he was exited to took the other to their home.

"," Alec responded, laughing teasingly at Max, who swallowed down. He knows that if Magnus discovers that Max took him to Alicante the day before, Max will be in big trouble.

"I thought your parents kept you away from the clave?" Magnus asked, puzzled.

"It wasn't my parents...I was taken there by someone else.' Alec was plainly enjoying the young warlock's stressed looks.

"May I know who?"

"It's all in the past...I believe we're already late, right?" asked Alec, and Max breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK," we'll get some breakfast in Alicante. Magnus beams, "I know a wonderful place."

Max palmed his face. His baba plans to take his father to the same restaurant where they had lunch yesterday.

"Fantastic" He mumbled and Alec had to try so hard not to burst out laughing.

"Max, did you said anything son...?" Magnus asked.

"Nothing, baba...I need to find Uncle bye"

"When did they become close?"

Magnus whispered as he saw his son hugging Alec and whispering in each other's ears before leaving.

Magnus took Alec to the same restaurant where Max and Alec had lunch the day before.

"The father and son have similar tastes," Alec joked in mind.

"This is my favorite restaurant," Magnus said, beaming.

"I know," said Alec.

"You knew," Magnus replied, puzzled.

"yes, I also know you frequently visit here with your family," Alec said, grinning,


"and I believe there's a window seat upstairs with a beautiful view, am I right?" Alec grinned at the other, who nodded, clearly confused.

"Let's go usually took an hour to prepare the food," Alec said, leaving a bewildered Magnus behind.

'huh' the warlock looked around in pure confusion.



"Oh, it's you again...hello," the waitress said to the blue-eyed shadow hunter, who smiled back.

"Where is the other one?" she asked as she looked around.

"I'm here with someone else," Alec said, pointing to Magnus.

"Oh, I see.." she nodded in understanding.

"I'm guessing you like warlocks...I remember the other one being one as well," she laughed.

We'd like to order, miss," Magnus interrupted before Alec could respond.

"Very well," she said, handing up the menu after politely composing herself.

"So, who brought you here before me, the other warlock?" Magnus inquired after placing his breakfast order.

"'re jealous?" Alec smiled.

"What if I really am...?" Magnus responded with a grim tone.

"Then ask your son," Alec said, smiling.


"I said ask your younger son Max Lightwood Bane" Alec was clearly enjoying this.

Alec enjoyed a peaceful breakfast while Magnus was fuming with Jealousy. He was curious about the warlock who had taken Alec to a date before him. That, too, in his and Alec's favorite location. And what about Leo's part in all of this...does he know anything about that warlock?' Magnus groaned in frustration.

They were preparing to leave when Magnus saw the waitress approach them again just before he could react, she handed Alec a piece of paper who looked at her in a knitted brow.

"That's my number you can have it or give it to the blue-skinned warlock who came with you know the one with the small horns..." she winked and walked away.

"Max Lightwood Bane..." Magnus clenched his teeth.

Max felt a chill run through his body. A fire message suddenly flew at Max which was barely 5 syllables long saying "Wait till I get there" Max sighed.

"Chris, if I die tonight, I want you to arrange a rave party night at my grave,"

Max said, looking at his best friend, who was pulling out his own hair in frustration as he looked over institute files.


Chris replied without even looking at his friend.


Magnus transported Alec to Idris, where Rafe and Lydia welcomed them.

"Alexander. This is Lydia Martin Rafe's secretary and only friend...and Lydia this is Mr Alexander Winchester" Magnus introduced.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr.Whinchester," Lydia said as she extended a handshake.

"Likewise, Miss Martin," Alec said cordially. Rafe was hoping to meet Leo, but when he didn't see him, he sighed.

"Your name sounds so familiar," added Alec looking at Lydia.

"Oh yes, I came to your place two or three times to meet your brother, Mr. Tyler Winchester, about some clave items...although it's my first time seeing you"

" Yeah I moved out a while ago with my fi..."

Alec paused before saying fiancé and looked at Magnus.

"Well, speaking about your fiancée...I haven't seen him since yesterday; has he recovered from his fever? Magnus asked with a fake polite tone. He knew the whole fiancé thing was a drama but he still can't digest the term as easily as he thought.

"Yeah, thanks to you, Magnus, his fever is gone...However, he is suffering from terrible back pain...'thanks to your son' Alec said the last part in his head while glaring at Rafe and Rafe visibly gulped in panic.

"I can help with that" Magnus offered.

"Um can we go inside... Brother Zachariah is waiting for us" Rafe suddenly spoke.

"What is this place" Alec asked in confusion.

"It's like a secret basement place of the Clave. Well maintained for emergency purposes" Lydia responded.

"So is it ok to use this place for personal things" Alec looked at Rafe.

"Yes and no...Rafe replied. "This place is the safest and away from living things". Brother Zachariah requested for this place. He added. Alec nodded in return.

"Alexander this is brother Zachariah" Magnus introduced while Brother Zachariah looked at Alec in amusement.

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