Chapter 16

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Brother Zachariah was taken aback when he saw Alec, but he quickly came to terms.

"It is an honor to meet the mighty silent brother," Alec said politely.

"The honor is mine, Shadow hunter," he said in mind tone.

"Magnus the ritual needs less presence so i advise you and others to be standing outside..." Magnus nodded in response to Brother Zachariah's plea. Magnus looked at Alec, he knows the ritual is risky. He clearly fears for the safety of his husband.

"Magnus..."  Brother Zachariah called the other.

Magnus took a deep breath and took off his chain and separated the ring from it before handing it over to Brother Zachariah.

"Is that..." Alec furrowed his brow.

"Dad's wedding ring," said the young shadow hunter.

"This way Mr Winchester" Brother Zachariah led the blue-eyed one inside, while Magnus and the rest remained outside.
"Alec questioned the other, "Can you tell me about the ritual.

This ceremony, which is meant to test someone's soul, is described in the texts as being forbidden.

Why is it prohibited?

"Because mere mortals like us are unable to access the secrets of birth and death." He answered.

So in essence, you're violating the laws of the shadow realm.



"Magnus Lightwood Bane...I was one of the many people he assisted during his life.Helping him comes before everything I believe....because I owe him my life". Brother Zachariah replied and Alec gave a nod of understanding.

"Alexander Lightwood Bane cherished his love with his entire life...this ring is a symbol of his love, and his soul is attached to it...testing it with a particle from your soul will give us the answer."

Brother Zachariah went on to explain. Alec severed his hand and laid it on the Altar as a mark of his complete participation in the ceremony. Alec had still no idea how he was going to accept the outcome of the ritual. Inside his mind he hoped for a positive result. As the ceremony began to exhibit evident resistance from heaven, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. Magnus created a protective ward to safeguard the location, and his son and Lydia were visibly concerned about the situation.

Suddenly, the entire structure began to tremble, and the ceiling collapsed, destroying Magnus' ward and causing full chaos. The force pushed Magnus and others into the corner. Magnus stood up and ran towards the location of the ceremony.

He noticed Alec lying on the floor, as well as a severely injured Brother Zachariah nearby.

"Alexander...." Magnus yelled in horror.

"What happened...?" In a panic, Rafe inquired.

"Magnus we need to hurry...we have to take Alec to the idris...this situation is greater than we thought...hurry"

In anguish, Brother Zachariah said. Magnus took Alec in his arms and opened the portal.

Magnus was doing healing magic on Alec, who was unconscious in the bed.

"Wake up... love... please" As he glanced at his husband's pale face, the older warlock's eyes welled up with tears.

"Brother Zachariah...what exactly happened...?" Rafe asked.

"I don't was like we were doing the ritual and all of sudden the magic began to waver and all i remember was a massive energy blow....i never saw something like that in my life..." responded Brother Zachariah.

"It's all my fault...I knew there was a risk, but I persuaded him to do the ritual..."I should not have put his life in danger.... "I don't care if he remembers anything...from now on... I'm going to protect him from afar...that's all," Magnus said quietly.

"Baba... it is," Alec's twitching interrupted Rafe's words.

"Can you hear me, Alexander? Are you okay?.." Magnus enquired of the other.

"Leave me alone." Alec let out a deep groan.

"What....? it's me, Alexander...."

"Get out of here, you fifth demon swan."

Magnus was thrown away by an unidentified power as Alexander yelled. In terror, everyone's eyes widened. Alec's aura is incredibly powerful, and everyone can feel the energy wave that he is producing.

"How dare you touch me with demon blood!" Alec yelled.

"Alexander....i..." Magnus murmured.

"Listen up, I have no relations with you. If you cross my path once more, I'll gladly put an end to your lengthy misery. You fifth demon," Alec spat up.

"Alexander...this is not you..." Magnus said in pain.

"Mr. Bane, I'm not who you believe I am.This is who I truly am. Accept that your husband has passed away, don't cross my path ever again, and remember that I am a Nephilim and that you are nothing more than a warlock that was born when a fifth demon became bored and chose to have fun on Earth. Magnus gazed at Alec with pain after he spat. Such language would never be used by His Alexander.

"Mr. Winchester, maintain your limits." Rafe screamed.

You learn your boundaries. High councillor...You were obviously misusing your authority for selfish personal gains....Shame on you... "Alec said with venom in his tone. "Never again meddle in my life..... otherwise I'll show you what I can do..."

After he finished his words, Alec left the room. Rafe approached his father and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry Baba....he is not....He is not Dad...." Rafe said in tears. He is aware of how Alec's comments hurt his baba. Magnus remained motionless and dejected.

On the other side, Alec dashed into an empty room and shut the door before collapsing on the sobs, he opened his palm and gazed at the ring.

"I'm sorry love.... but i need to do this...please forgive your idiot husband...."

In tears he whispered while clutching his wedding ring tightly in his palm.

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