Stormy night - Z.B.

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One stormy night in a summer camp Nightwing a thunder rumbled and lightning illuminated the darkened sky.

You could hear the wind against the material of the cabin through the old wooden walls as I was sitting alone in there.

Specifically reading a book while trying to ignore the tempest outside. This is the perfect time for reading a horror book.

It's not like I live here alone, I have roommates but they're all gone at least for tonight.

One snuck into her boyfriend's cabin and the other went to her friends.

Don't get me wrong, I don't miss them. I'm actually super relaxed and I love this peaceful time that I can spend just by myself and my book.

I sighed excitedly as I turned the page and finished the chapter when suddenly a loud knock echoed through the room.

Someone was at the door.

So it's not just me and my book then.. i exhaled annoyed by the interaction.

I looked at the door and stared at it for a moment, hoping I was imagining it and no one was behind it.

But right after that, there was a second but frantic knock.

I put the book on my bedside table turned spine on top so I wouldn't lose track of where I was.

I quickly walked over to the door and opened it without any interest.

My eyes widened when I found out who was the person in front of me.

Ziggy, the devil herself.

This camp is a place of adventure and friendship for many, but not for me and Ziggy.

She's always ready to reply with a sarcastic snide remark. We're not friends, and we'll never be. She's too cocky and sassy.. especially when she mocks me when she does something better than me.

What a child.

But right now she was completely drenched standing outside my door. Rainwater dripping from her hair.

A smirk appeared on my face.

I never would have imagined this scenario. Ziggy Berman is standing outside my cabin because she needs something from me.

Before she spoke she crossed her arms over her chest and placed them on her shoulders caressing them.

She must have been cold since she was shivering only wearing a striped shirt and shorts which were soaked. Her casual cocky demeanor was nowhere to be found.

"Can i come in?" She asked with a hope in her voice looking straight at me.

"Of course not." I scoffed looking at her and then around trying to figure out if this was some kind of a joke she was pulling on me.

Suddenly a lightning struck and it let out an excruciatingly loud thud.

That caused Ziggy to startle and her eyes were closed for a moment as she started breathing faster.

I was slightly taken aback by her unusual behavior. I studied her with my gaze and finally let out a loud exhale.

"Come in." I told her as I rolled my eyes opening the door into the cabin widely stepping aside allowing her to enter.

As soon as she got inside I closed the door right behind us.

She walked to the center of the room and started to look around.. I watched her for a moment but then realized how soaked she was, leaving water on the floor.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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