The Truth (7)

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Kimido was walking to the Akatsuki base, thinking, 'Mission Complete... Pein-sama... We're nearly there...'

A vortex came into view. Kimido came to a halt and stared. All was silent. Nothing moved.

A hooded man warped outside of the spiral. He turned to stare at Kimido.

"Kimido Uchiha..." He muttered, going almost unheard by the raven. Almost.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Kimido asked with a hint of arrogance shown clearly on his face.

"You are clearly not an Uchiha so don't lie.." The hooded man stated. Kimido's mouth twitched. This man was trying it.

"I am not an Uchiha you say?" He argued, narrowing his eyes. The man in front of him didn't move.

"I said that you aren't an Uchiha..." The hooded man repelled back.

But what he said next, completely blew him off his feet. He blinked in awe.

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