Chapter 6 Exploring The Dungeon Solo

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Astraea Pov

My children went off to defeat the rest of Evilus as well with the Rudra Familia. When they came back that night Y/n was covered in blood a lot of it. He didn't say a word and left for his room leaving me with the others. I was worried he may have gotten hurt seeing the blood only for Alise telling me some thing heart wrenching. Y/n executed 6 people of the Rudra Familia because a child saw her older brother killed in front of her. Then he yelled at them saying he was killing some assholes. Alise told him to stop saying they were already, died only for Y/n to lash out on her "What are you a doctor!!". He shot them with 3 volleys of his weapons at their corpses. That doesn't sound like Y/n at all. Why did he do it, this doesn't sound like Justice as I am the goddess of justice. This is pure rage. I'm going to have a long talk with him about this. I know Y/n is from a different world, but this isn't acceptable. If Y/n keeps going on like this I fear he would never let go of his past, and worst comes is Y/n keeps doing this he would become distant to others. I want him to open up more not create more problems for himself. Then again I can't blame him he came from a unforgiveable world. Maybe seeing that made him think of his past. 

The Next Day

Right not is morning I'm heading to Y/n room to talk with him about last night. I knock on his door hearing him say come in I look to see Y/n ready to leave? Where is he going?

Astraea: Y/n where are you going?

Y/n: The dungeon want to see what's it like without a party.

Y/n didn't even look at me when he said that. I'm only getting more worried about him. 

Astraea: How long will you be gone?

Y/n: Maybe a few days at least or a week.

Y/n your making me even more worried when you say that. It makes me think your never coming back. He straps his weapons he used back when he went in the dungeon with Alise and them. He walks to the door. I step in front of him, and look him in the eye. 

Astraea: Y/n we need to talk about last night.

Y/n: There is nothing to talk about.

Astraea: Yes there is. Y/n why did you do that?

Y/n: Do what? 

Astraea: Executing prisoners. 

Y/n can only look at me in the eye as we stood there in silence. 

Y/n: They killed a kid.

Astraea: I know Alise told me everything that happened. Now Y/n tell me why you did it.

Y/n: Its because I can relate to the little girl.

Now that I think about it. Y/n didn't say anything about his family other then his uncle he only told us about his friends that died. So what happened to his family that he was living with. 

Astraea: Y/n is it... about your family that it reminds you of?

Y/n looked away from me looking at the wall. I see so that's what its about. The little girls brother being killed probably brought up his family on how they were killed. I sigh stepping aside. Y/n seeing this looks at me. 

Astraea: One week. 

Y/n tilts his head. 

Astraea: You have one week in the dungeon. If you don't return I will send the others to find you in there. If they aren't successful I sill send a request to the guild to have both the Loki and Freya Familia look for you after all they both owe me a favor.  

Y/n nods his head looking at the ground. I smile at him bringing him into a hug. He hesitates before I feel him wrap his arms around me. I blush a little feeling him hug me, but it was warm so I'm not complaining. We slowly break the hug before looking at each other. 

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