Chapter 5 Evilus

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Ryuu Pov

Thanks to Y/n stimpaks? We got out of the dungeon faster so I didn't need to use my magic Noah Heal. Right now were in front of The Stardust Garden all of us tired from the flaming bear we fought. Well more like us almost dying and Y/n saving us so easily. Neze opens the doors for us as we all dropped on the floor except for Y/n who looks completely fine than the rest of us. Even though he was mauled on the shoulder from the bear. Our goddess Astraea comes in seeing our state. 

Astraea: Oh no what happened?

Mother comes looking at all of us seeing the damaged done to us inspecting everyone of us. As everyone who didn't come with us also came seeing out state.

Alise: We along with the Loki Familia fought this weird bear that was on fire. Heck is can clone itself to!!

Astraea along with the others goes into shock.

Iska: W-wait a bear that was on fire, that can clone itself, and you guys fought it?!

Kaguya nods her head.

Kaguya: Yes none of our attacks did anything to it. Even when Nine Hell couldn't kill them, when she used her spells. 

Everyone again goes into shock after all Nine Hell's magic is very powerful to kill a monster hoard so how did we not defeat them. 

Y/n: Yeah not surprising after all is was a Legendary Yaoguai so.

Everyone slowly turns their attention to Y/n.

Lyra: Wait!! You know what it is!!!!

Lyra says annoyed I'm starting to get agitated to Y/n knew what that thing is and said nothing about it!? Wait legendary?

Y/n: Oh yeah its a legendary Yaogaui. Basically saying it's a really tuff mutated bear to kill. Hell that wasn't even my first time fighting a Legendary Flaming Yaugaui.

Kaguya: Care to tell us more mister?!

Kaguya gets in Y/n face Alise seeing this gets up and stand's next to Kaguya probably to make sure she doesn't kill him. Y/n just shrugs his shoulders.

Y/n: Yeah sure when the bombs fell it pretty much destroyed the environment. Every animals from big to small, either mutated to survive or were extinct. Like your typical crab was turned into a human sized, they are very territorial. Then your got all the insects pretty much all of them were the size of dogs or cats to, since their bigger they see almost everything as prey and try to kill it so. 

Y/n went on how almost every typical animal in his world turned into giants, went extinct, and mutated to adapt to the harsh environment in his world. Kaguya stared at Y/n getting agitated with how Y/n knew about the Yaugoi? As he called it.

Alise: Ok come on Kaguya calm down.

Kaguya looks at Alise getting more mad before glaring at Y/n. Everyone looked worried with the situation. Just as Astraea was gonna stop.

Kaguya: What were you even doing then Y/n!! You just stood there!! If you knew what it was why didn't you attack it!?!?

Y/n: I was looking around to make sure nothing more dangerous appeared. That usual happens when a legendary appears something else comes along with it.


Astraea: Y/n 

Our goddess getting Y/n attention.

Astraea: What is more dangerous than a Legendary Flaming Yaogaui?

Y/n: A Glowing Legendary Deathclaw.

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