
The screen turned blue. "Snowfield."

It was really hung up on that fake Holy Grail war at America. It was such a mess to fix.

"Then why?"

"I am here to discuss your retirement. Are you willing to listen?"

It ignored the question, the bitch.

"Fine. I'll bite, what is this about my "retirement"."

"Counter Guardian EMIYA is eligible for retirement as of this moment if he so chooses. The retirement benefits include:

-An ID for an ease of access on paperwork.

-A card that contains all of Counter Guardian EMIYA's assets before his death.

This does not include:

-A living space."

"That's it? What's the catch?"

"You are to be deployed one final time using the main body."

And there it is! Probably a really big mass culling-

"It's a rescue mission."

"Pardon?" This surprised Emiya, it was the first one he's ever received.

"Mission parameters:

-Rescue the one that will save you."

Emiya went silent again. The one that will save him? Who?

"I will take your silence as a yes."

"Wait, what?" Suddenly a force pulled him away from Alaya, it was nothing like any deployment. He felt mana leave his body like a fan getting unplugged from an outlet.

He felt himself being torn apart from head-to-toe. Then everything went black.

Hot, everything is so hot. That is all that Emiya could feel as he walks through what looks like a large burning apartment complex, Alaya dropped him here for some reason, he honestly wasn't surprised as he often gets dropped on battlefields.

"Heh." He chuckled. "My final deployment... just like my first memories. The sheer poetic irony here makes me sick." He spoke to himself.

The Ex-counter guardian walks through the debris when he suddenly heard a cry.


"A child!?" He enhanced his hearing and vision as he searches for the noise.

"Where is it?" He looks through all the rubble, passing through burning corpses in his way. The stench really resurfaced some of his childhood traumas. But he must pull through, he needs to find that child.

He finally found it. It was still crying. The child looks like it was just a few months old. It was surrounded by two dead bodies he assumed was it's parents, the rubble crushing them might be the cause of their deaths.

He lifts the child to his arms as he finds the exit from the complex. Emiya dashes while reinforcing his body, clutching the child tightly. Soon he found the exit, there were firefighter there. The firemen looked at him weirdly and asked.

"Sir? Are you alright?" One stepped forward.

"I am." He nodded. "I'm not sure about this child though. We might have to get it checked." He gave the child to one of the firefighters.

"Alright, there's an ambulance for the survivors already, we just need the record the baby."

"Good." Emiya spoke, panting.

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