The Princess of Westeros

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The Princess of Westeros

Robb's POV

"Robb, you must go and get your face shaved. I can not stand to look at you much longer with that... That scruff on your lip! It's not polite to look like a peasant in the presence of the King and Queen... And their children! Princes and princesses!"

My eyes were not even fully open at the table as I sat down to have my breakfast when my mother started screaming at me. Gods, I wanted her to shut up so badly. I glared at her and ran my hand down my face. My facial hair wasn't that bad.

"Your hair needs to be trimmed as well. Go with Theon and Jon. Take Rickon with you as well. His hair has been unmanageable." She grabbed onto my curls and measured the length with just her hands. "Gods Robb! When is the last time you cut this?"

I shrugged and bit into my toast. "Can't I just eat in peace?"

Mother stepped in front of me and stared directly into my eyes. "Robb Stark- are you hung over?!"

A long blink later I finally nodded. "I'd very much appreciate it if you would kindly lower your voice. Any louder I may vomit."

She breathed through her nose like it was the final breath she'd ever take. Her knuckles became white as she bawled her fists and stared at me. I'm a grown man, she can't get this upset with me. I'm only enough to go to taverns as often as I want.

I'm not wed nor do I have a betrothed. I'm single and free.

The exact way I like it.

No one to yell at me for taking up too much space in the bed. No one to tell me I smell like a dog after spending all day with Grey Wind. And certainly no one but my fucking mother to nag me day and night.

I'd rather never wed and let Winterfell pass to one of my siblings or their children when I die. No children for me. No wife. None of it. I enjoy being alone.

"Why must you act this way? I did not raise you to be like this. I raised you and Jon the exact same way and he is already outside moving barrels of ale and moving hay to feed the horses... Doing all the chores you should be doing. Even Theon is moving tables and helping wrangle the children! While you sit there and tell me I'm too loud?"

My mother's voice was quickly becoming one of the most irritating sounds I'd ever heard in my life. I forced my eyes to widen as I took a sip of wine and my mother quickly snatched the cup from me and dumped it on the floor.


"Hay is what you should be moving in the stables. Hay is what you'll be sleeping in when I give your room to Prince Joffrey to stay in since you want to act like such an animal all the time!" My mother's hair looked extra red today and I started to believe it was all the anger she felt for me just seeping out of her head.

I shrugged at her and took another bite of my toast. "I'll get to it."

My plate of food was snatched from me and thrown into the trash. "You'll get to it now or so help me, Robb, I will make your life miserable."

I rolled my eyes but stayed silent. As if you haven't already succeeded at that...


"Hold still!" I shouted at Rickon as he sat on my lap to get his haircut. He fucking hates getting his hair cut and it's no wonder why my mother always pins it on me to take my little brother to get it done. Every month after the new moon I wake up to the nagging of how I need my hair cut and need my face shaved. Gods fucking forbid I look like the man I am. I swear she wants to keep me looking like a child.

BLIZZARD: Winter Is Coming VOL 7 (ROBB STARK X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora