Grabbing her phone out her purse, a frown rested on her face as she seen no miss calls or text messages from Kaseci.

Nefeli clenched her phone tightly, her anger rising by the second. Taking a deep breath, she tried to regain her composure before dialing Kaseci's number.

Her anger amplified as the rings continued until Kaseci picked up on the fifth one. Finally Kaseci's nonchalant voice came through the phone.

" Yo "

" Why the fuck you took so long to answer the phone Kaseci " Nefeli aggressively said , she didn't understand why Kaseci took so long to answer the fucking phone.

Kaseci huffed in annoyance before she responded

" Watch ya tone before I shoot you, what you callin me for "

Nefeli wanted to ring Kaseci's fucking neck , she didn't understand why she always acted this way towards her.

Kaseci was so hot and cold with her. She honestly missed how things were when Kaseci actually loved her.

Ignoring the stinging feeling in her chest , she focused on what she actually  called for.

She needed money and Kaseci was gonna give it to her. She wasn't going to let Kaseci get her out her body.

" What fucking ever Kaseci, I need 1500 dollars and for you to come pick me up " Nefeli demanded waiting for Kaseci to respond.

As she was listening she could've sworn she heard low moans coming from Kaseci's end. Pressing the phone to her ear, her suspicions were confirmed as she continued to hear muffled moans.

Nefeli's body trembled in anger, she couldn't believe her ears.

" YOU WITH SOME OTHER FUCKING BITCH BRO ARE YOU DEADASS RIGHT NOW " Nefeli began yelling at the top of her lungs , ignoring the stares from people who wondered what the fuck was going on.

" Chill with that yellin shit " Kaseci mumbled sounding preoccupied as loud claps followed by escalating moans echoed in the background.

Before Nefeli could finish she heard loud beeps in her ear indicating that Kaseci hung up on her.

Tears welled in her eyes, a mixture of anger and hurt burned in her chest. She couldn't believe that Kaseci was really doing her like this after everything they been through.

Nefeli anger turned into vengeance, a sly smirk appeared on her face at the thought that popped into her head.

She wasn't gonna let Kaseci get in the way of what she wanted and that was money. If Kaseci wasn't gon do it someone else would. Nefeli always had a back up plan.

Pushing the thoughts about Kaseci to the back of her mind, Nefeli took a deep breath and prepared to execute her plan.

With a fake sob she dialed someone's number that she knew she could manipulate the money out of.

" Hello " Nefeli sniffled into the phone, making sure her voice sounded in distress

" Yeah wassup " Demon asked slightly confused at Nefeli's tone, she waited for her to respond.

" Demon I need help, I got jumped last night by these bitches and I ended up getting locked up. Can you come pick me up " Nefeli said purposely making it sound like she was full on crying, allowing her acting skills to come into play.

"it's Aigh, calm down ima slide send lo"demon said before hanging up

A mischievous smile sat on Nefeli's face as she texted demon the location. She knew it be a minute before she actually got here, so she had time to cry so her face would look swollen.

Nefeli got up from the bench once she spotted demon's car. She added a little sway in her hips while she walked towards the car.

Grabbing the car door, she slid inside immediately shivering from the AC that blasted through the car.

" Thank you baby for coming through " Nefeli said making tears well up in her eyes.

She held eye contact observing demon, she needed to make sure she actually believed the act she was putting on.

Feeling demon wipe her tears away, she fought a smirk that wanted to appear on her face.

" it ain't nun " Demon replied as she intensely looked at her.

Demon's cold hand eased on Nefeli's thigh, placing her hand over demons. She slowly guided her hand towards her Nani.

Ignoring the smirk on demon's face, a loud moan escaped her mouth as she felt demon's fingers part her wetness.

Relaxing her in her seat, Nefeli enjoyed the pleasure. Knowing the money she would get after this from demon would make this all worth it.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora