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~ Trigger Warning: Mention of disordered eating ~

In the morning, I was woken up by my mom calling my phone.

"Hey, Mom." I answered drowsily.

"You have detention?!" She snapped.

"Mom, Mom, Mom, please calm down. One, I just woke up and my brain can't comprehend all of this, and two, it's not that big a deal. Actions have consequences." I explained.

"Now it's not a big deal, but according to Jameson, you had an anxiety attack yesterday. Make better choices." She hissed as she hung up.

Okay, she's pissed. I got ready, then got a message from Nicky.

Him: I'm excited to sneak into the library. This is so risky.

Me: I know. I hope if you get caught, I won't get into more trouble.

Him: I won't get caught, don't worry.

I giggled lightly as I headed to the library with my schoolwork, my laptop, and a notebook. Once I was done with my work, I was going to better control my portions. I decided that I'd eat around fifteen hundred calories a day. Each meal would be four hundred or fewer calories, then two snacks that would be one-fifty or fewer calories. I'd lose around two pounds a week. It would be perfect.

"Hi, Haileigh." Nicky whispered as he slithered his way next to me.

"You scared me." I hissed.

"What are you working on?" He questioned.

"Meal planning." I replied as I subtly pushed my notebook aside a bit.

"Why are you pushing your notebook aside?" He queried as he picked it up.

Okay, not subtle enough.

" 'Cause I had a feeling you'd ask to look through it." I replied as I took it back.

"You're hiding something." He gasped.

"I'm not. I just don't want you waving my notebook around. You're not even supposed to be here right now." I snapped.

"Haileigh..." He sighed as he picked up my hand.

"Every time you say my name like that, our conversation turns into a lecture." I scoffed as I pulled my hand back.

"And every time you catch an attitude, it means you're hiding something." He hissed as he picked up my hand again.

"How are you so observant?" I queried, trying to change the subject.

"It comes naturally. Don't try changing the subject. What are you hiding?" He asked.

Damn it. Fuck him and his observance.

"I'm not hiding anything. I just don't really like discussing my health plans out loud. It makes me uncomfortable." I admitted.

"Okay, that's all you had to say. I'm sorry for pushing." He sighed as he rubbed my hands.

"It's okay. I know you're just worried about me." I grinned lightly.

"You have such a beautiful smile." He gushed.

"Nicky!" I scoffed lightly as I began fanning my face.

"It's like I have a superpower." He chuckled as his hands met my cheeks.

"Excuse me, what's going on over there?!" A teacher barked as he faced us.

"Science experiment." I lied as I held up my notebook to make it seem like we were taking notes.

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