"There you are, Charlotte!" She hurried over to the girl, grabbing the things from her grasp and dropping them on the crowded countertops. "Can I get you something for breakfast? I thought James was going to die of boredom, you and Sirius nearly slept the morning away."

Charlotte's eyes flashed to the dark haired boy beside James, an iced cinnamon roll paused halfway to his mouth as he shot the blonde a lazy wink.

"I'm sorry James, I didn't mean to sleep so late." She offered her friend a smile and turned back towards Mrs. Potter. "Thank you so much for letting me stay over, I'm sorry for just barging in."

"Charlotte, honestly, it's nothing! I'm glad you're here for presents!"

"Oh, I can't stay..." Her eyes flickered between the boys, wishing she had thought to bring at least Sirius's present with her last night, although she thought they would have ended the night back at her house.

"We'll send you back home in a bit, Char. Your parents owled these over..." James's grin was spread nearly eye to eye as he handed her a small bundle wrapped in string.

"Oh, and I expect you think one is for you, do you?" Charlotte teased as James shrugged, Euphemia bursting into laughter.

"James, who raised you to be this spoiled?" She swatted him gently with a napkin.

"It's Christmas!" James protested, leaning out of her path and reaching back for another pastry. "Come on, Charlotte, eat something. You're taking forever!"

She sputtered out a laugh and took the seat beside the messy haired boy, pulling a cinnamon roll to her plate as Effie poured her a glass of juice.

"James, if you weren't already in boarding school, I'd be looking over pamphlets." Effie scolded.

No sooner than Charlotte had put her fork back to her plate, James was yanking them into the family room, the oversized Christmas tree glittering in the corner even in the bright morning light. Mr. Potter took a seat beside his wife, working his way through his third cup of black coffee as Euphemia flicked her wand near the tree, presents flying through the room at once. A few landed at James's feet while Sirius caught his before it dropped to his lap.

Charlotte tore into the package her mother had sent, spotting the perfectly wrapped presents that had been stowed away on her desk for days.

"Here, Charlotte. I'm sorry, it's not much, it was so last minute-"

Charlotte's eyes went wide as she looked to the glittering present Euphemia was handing over.

"When did you even have time... Honestly, Mrs. Potter, you're too kind."

"You can call me Euphemia if you'd like dear."

"Effie, actually." Sirius added from his spot in the corner where he was tearing into a large, golden phonograph, eyes shooting back to the Potters. "You're joking!"

"James said you really liked Remus's." Her lips pulled into a smile, "Open the next ones."

Charlotte smiled as Sirius leaned forward to catch the next packages, which were all identically shaped, and even Charlotte knew they held records.

"Here, James. I'd hate for you to run out of gifts." She teased, tossing him her gift and watching his eyes light up.

"I knew it! Here, wait..." He leaned towards the tree, scanning over the remaining gifts for only a second before tossing a lumpy package to Charlotte with a grin. He tore the paper off his own gift, pulling the box inside open and peering down into the box of candy, sifting through before he landed on the dungbombs in the corner.

written in the stars | s. black | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now