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Cameron and I walked hand-in-hand down the streets of Boston. He doesn't handle the cold wonderfully but will do anything for me. Even if that meant freezing his toes off while we looked at the stores decorated for Christmas.

"There are so many perfect little crafts," I smiled up at him.

He used his free hand to tilt my head up and kiss me softly, "They are so perfect. I'm excited to have all these cute little crafts in our house with us and all of our kids."

I stood up on my toes, kissing him again, hardly able to contain my smile. His presence alone brought me so much comfort and warmth. No one has ever made me feel this way before.

I spent so much of my life thinking girls only get to feel this way in books and romance movies. Because in real life the person you're dating doesn't actually love you. They love the sex you give them, when you do exactly what they say, and when you never expect any care in return.

Cameron proved to me that in time we do get our storybook ending. He's stayed by me through it all. Through mom getting sick, the ten-hour drives, and the belief that I won't find love. He stayed. He loved me.

"What are you thinking, love?" He asked, rubbing my back softly.

"You," I smiled. "Always you."

He lifted me off the ground and kissed me, sharing such a tender moment with just us.

We were walking to a more crowded area of the street when I heard a way too familiar voice yell "Emilia"

My ears felt hot, it felt like there was a brick in my stomach. Everything around me went dark. The noises of the town muffled around me as a flashback after flashbacks flooded my brain.

I closed my eyes, breathing deeply and remembering where I was. With Cameron. Safe. In a public place, nothing could go wrong.

I opened my eyes to see Cameron shaking his hand with a kind smile.

"I don't know how you put up with her man, but good on you I guess," he laughed.

Cameron raised an eyebrow, "Put up with her? No. I love her."

He nodded slowly, "Ah, I see. Poor guy, she's still got you under her spell."

Cameron looked so lost. He didn't know what Easton looked like. I didn't want him to know. Easton was a charmer though, even when he said something rude he could make it sound funny.

"Easton," I breathed out. I planned on saying more but it evacuated my brain before I could truly speak.

Cam snaked his arm around my waist protectively and I watched his jaw clench. Thank God I at least got that word out. He knows what's going on. He won't become besties with my ex.

"Oh. Easton," Cameron snapped. "Beautiful girl let's keep walking."

Easton shook his head, "Did she feed you those lies about me too? Be careful with her. You make her mad and she will ruin you."

"Stop talking to her and walk away," Cameron told him sternly. He didn't let go of me and kept walking with me down the street towards his car. "Breathe. I've got you," he whispered into my ear.

I felt a tight hand on my shoulder, "Hasn't anyone told you it's not polite to walk away from people when they are speaking to you?" He squeezed tighter. His favorite thing. Causing pain without it being obvious.

I tried to move but I couldn't. I don't know if I was stuck or if he was holding on too tight. But that didn't matter because I watched in what felt like slow motion as Cameron's fist met Easton's face.

Easton punched him back but Cameron took it. He shoved him to the ground and hit him in the face more times than I could count. He didn't leave him on the ground. He pulled him up by his shirt. "If you ever so much as breathe near her again. So help me you won't breathe near anyone again."

Easton left.

Cameron overpowered Easton. Cameron overpowered the man who could overpower me every single day of our relationship.

Cameron is small. He's strong but he's not Easton. I've never seen him that mad. I didn't think he had that much anger or strength in him.

He walked over to me and reached out for my hand. I didn't mean to, but I flinched back and looked at him like I was a deer in headlights.

"Emilia," he whispered, taking a step back. "Em, you're okay. It's okay."

I nodded and looked into his eyes. He did this for me. He did this to save me because of how much he loves me. But he did it to Easton he could definitely do worse to me if I did anything he didn't like.

He softly put his hand on my face and rubbed his thumb across my cheek, "Let's go get you that hot chocolate and take our pictures. Then we can go back to your house, get in the PJs your momma ordered us for this year, and watch movies."

"She passed away almost a year ago and still ordered our clothes," I laughed.

He nodded and kissed my head softly. "You're just like her. Little miss planner. Little miss making everyone's life amazing."

I smiled and looked up at him, letting him place a soft kiss on my lips. "Are we going to talk about what just happened?"

He shook his head, "When we get to your house, yes. If you want. But right now, let's just walk around and have fun."

I thought for a moment and smiled, "I have some big news to lighten the mood?"

"Let's hear it," he smiled.

"I got into the school you're going to. I got an amazing scholarship and got an RA position so I don't have to pay for housing. I talked to your mom and I'm in the freshman dorm that you're in just a different floor."

He smiled and lifted me off the ground, "Oh, and as an RA you don't have to deal with a roommate and get your own bathroom that's so good for you. I think you'll like my roommate though. He's pretty chill but only going to be there first semester."

"I can't wait to meet him," I laughed. "It's all finally working out. We have school together, I have the house for all the summer crew, it's almost all perfect."

"You deserve perfect"

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