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I curled my hair and put on my opal ring. I put on the black dress that I bought for today. I don't want to ruin one of my favorite black dresses with today's memories. So this stupid black dress with the stupid curls in my hair will be a one-time thing that I never have to think of again.

I combed through the curls, my comb got stuck in the back of my hair. And like the totally average and not stressed-out person I am, I threw it out my bedroom door with a loud Ugh.

"You good in there, Peaches?" Conrad yelled from his room.

I stood up and put my heels on, "Just peachy!"

I walked into his room as he was struggling with his opal cuff links. Cameron and Jere sat on his bed playing video games in their suits. (I kicked Cameron out when he said my dress was pretty, not my best moment but he didn't care.)

"God! Are both of you too wrapped up in the stupid video games to help him? I'm sure he helped you," I snapped, helping Conrad with his cuff links.

He put his hand on my arm, "It's okay, you helped me so it's perfect."

"Stop being a bitch," Jere whined, "You've only been up for three hours and are already moody."

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "bold of you to assume I slept. Do you think the food in the kitchen for after the funeral magically made itself? Maybe you should stop being the bitch."

Cameron walked over and wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss on my cheek, "Okay, not to get overly involved in this...whatever you guys have going on in the world of siblings. But...Emilia was doing a lot last night. But baby girl, you don't need to lash out at your brothers."

I hid my face in my hands like a child hiding from trouble. Shaking my head, I walked over to fix my mistake. I sat on the bed next to Jere and rubbed his back, "I know I'm being a bitch. I'm sorry, I'm acting more like dad jr than mom jr, huh?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Not that bad, but kinda...yeah."

"Kids!" Dad yelled, "Let's go!"


"See, even the world knows it's a shitty day," I whispered to Cameron as we huddled under his umbrella to get into the funeral home.

I fell over my feet onto the rough pavement, "Fuck!" I screamed. Cameron bent down to help me and the boys ran over to try and do whatever they could. "It's fine. Just leave me alone please," I whispered. "My dress is fine and my shoes aren't scuffed."

"Your knee is though," Jere whispered.

Conrad picked me up bridal style ignoring my protest and ran inside with Jeremiah and Cameron following behind him. "Okay, let's fix this before you turn into Miss 'fix it' please."


When we got into the main room of the funeral home it was a whirlwind. Laurel was yelling at Belly for her dress being too short, Jeremiah sat in the front seat by the casket and hid his face almost immediately, and Connie put his game face on. I put my hand on Cameron's arm, "I will be back," I told him.

"I'm sorry mom, it's not that big of a deal!" Belly yelled as I walked over.

Game face. "Hey, Bells," I said with a smile. "How about I run you back to my house to get a pair of tights or a different dress?"

I saw her sigh in relief but Laurel put her hand on my back, "You don't go doing favors for her when she couldn't get it together."

I tried to fight, but I didn't have it in me. "Okay, but if it means anything, that was mom's favorite dress that Bells had, so I think it's perfect." Mom never mentioned the dress, but it was what they both needed to hear.

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