Chapter 2: the phoenix revealed and the white wolf enters

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(We start this chapter, explaining how Ava and her sister got into their fatal situation)

One day in the library, her sister had found a book of ancient elven magic. Unbeknownst to Ava, somehow Belladonna had unlocked her ancient elemental magic in order to protect herself and her sister. Ava only knew about the fire magic her sister taught her at the time. Bella, hid it her new found magic from her sister knowing how Ava would react. Unfortunately, she was right.

Ava would have stopped her sister, but, reckless as ever Bella, got into a situation which Ava would try to save her from.

Sadly, she could not save her sister. Well,  she did save her, briefly, but when her coven found out they both taught themselves fire magic after some of their coven trapped them one day. Belladonna taught Ava how to use fire magic after a girl had cornered them as they were coming back from lunch. The girl had threatened to kill the 'pointies'' ;a terrible slur used for elven folk.

Her sister who used to have a fiery temper, had lost control of her magic during an altercation with a member of her coven by the name of Agrippina. Agrippina was everything her sister hated, she was arrogant, dishonest and seemed to have an unspoken grudge with  her sister ever since their meeting.  The altercation had resulted in Agrippina using a dinner knife to carve the word 'freak' into her sister's back. Ava defended Belladonna by conjuring a flame but an Elder witch saw the tail end of the altercation. Belladonna was sentenced to death by  the High Council and she was to drink the juice of the poisonous plant that carried her name. Ava, as Belladonna's accomplice, had been sentenced to be humiliated by being stripped naked and subjected to 30 lashes of a wip.
Ava had been bound to a pole, naked, with poisonous vines, her wrists burning and chafing, her back still bleeding from where the whip had cut into her skin, frost forming on her bare flesh and stinging her open wounds. After what had felt like hours, when she felt as if frost bite was setting in, she'd heard a scream. Her sister had been dragged out of her cell, skinny and malnourished, her once shiny hair matted and tangled with dirt. Her bare flesh was exposed to the elements as well, Ava's stomach had dropped at the thought of what horrors she had already endured. The guards shoved Belladonna to her knees, tied her hands behind her back and an Elder witch used magic to force her head back.

Ava felt warm breath on her neck, one of the guards had whispered in her ear, making her skin crawl. "Enjoy the show, your whore sister might get the attention she wanted after all." Ava croaked back, "I bet your bitch whore wife enjoys the fact that you think about abusing young women when you two fuck." That comment earned her a back hand to the face, but she grinned as the guards face turned a foul purple colour.

Ava turned her head back to her sister, "Come on, Ava you idiot, think of a plan, try to summon fire magic, actually think for once!" She thought to herself as she struggled weakly against the restraints. Her sister let out a gargled scream, Ava struggled harder. With abject horror, Ava realised that the elder witches had put a damper on both sisters powers which were more volatile than most witches as they were from a pure elven bloodline. Their chaos magic combined could result in the destruction of not just the elder witches, but the whole court who were watching the execution. Although Ava had never managed to access her ancient birth right, Bella had, which had led them into this mess.

Guilt twisted her stomach, she knew she could have avoided this ordeal, if she had just suggested a different way to protect themselves, a less volatile way, she would not be watching her sister die in front of her. If she had just pushed Bella to tell her everything.

Gemma closed her eyes and let out a silent sob. Looking through tears she had seen her sister shaking and spasming while the Elder Witch forced the poison down her sister's throat.

The Witchers Phoenix  ( Witcher x Six of Crows x OC and original story)Where stories live. Discover now