Part 1: The Hike.

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"mum, for the hundredth time, I'm okay and safe. I'm taking all the safety measures you taught me. Tell papa not to worry so much as well... I'm late for my hike...I'll call you later. Bye, Love you"
You spoke to your mum on the phone as you hang up and let out a soft sigh. You arrived in Seoul two days ago. Your life has been in chaos and you just wanted a place to escape to. What better place than South Korea, at least you get to go to a BTS concert at least once right?
things have been tough back home and although it was difficult to convince your parents to let you travel to a foreign country alone, they finally accepted on one condition. You follow all the safety measures they put in place.

You were renting out a small Airbnb in the middle of Seoul and although it wasn't anything big or fancy, you loved the aesthetic and the location. And can we talk about the view from your window on the 5th floor... It was to die for.
You had set to go for a hike today and although you were late, you were still thrilled. Being an introvert meant you weren't the perfect around people but you managed. You booked this hike for a Monday... "A Monday...No one is going on a hike on Monday, I'm sure I'll be alone or just a few people present"
You took your small packed hiking bag, boots and the things you'll need and headed downstairs where you packed the bicycle you had rented. Looking at the direction of the hiking trails on your phone, you rode there humming your favorite song.
You get there and smile because you couldn't see people and that was a good sign... No unnecessary interaction.
You walked to the gate and took out your ID and handed it to the security guard as that was the only thing they needed as per your research.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Today is a good day for a hike, right sir"... Y/N
"Annyeonghaseyo! I didn't expect to see someone as young as you here on a Monday. But I'm sorry to say the whole trail was booked and cannot be accessed by the public." ... The guard looked at you apologetically while saying this.

He handed you back your ID and just before you turned to walk away holding your bike with disappointment, you heard a voice from behind.

"It's okay Mr Lee, it's just one person and she looks so excited for the hike. Let her in."...Unknown

You let out a breath of relief and turned to thank the stranger who was so kind to let you go in.
As you turned to look at the unknown man, your body froze, you subconsciously held your breath and your lips parted but nothing came out.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"
"Excuse me, can you hear me ma'am"...The young man in front of you spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

With that you snapped back to your senses and gave a very shy bow.

"oh...umh!! Thank you for being so kimd to let me go in. I appreciate."

Without waiting for a reply, you packed your bike next to the gate and got in as fast as your trembling legs could go and harried off in between the trees.

Pov: Jungkook

I was so pumped up because of the hike I had planned today. I woke up feeling rather tired but ignored it, I'm Jungkook...I can do this.
I had a free day today and there was no way I was going to waste it sleeping. I was in the biggest boy band in South Korea and of course we lived and breathed the same air most days. Our dom wasn't so far from the hybe offices and our today studio. We've really come a long way.
I lived in the dom with my other six hyungs and I was the youngest.
I shared a room with Jimin. Namjoon hyung shared a room with Jin hyung. Taehyung hyung shared a room with Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung had a room to himself. He has always been so much of an introvert, more than the rest of us.

I got out of bed excited and looked over at Jimin who was sleeping soundly. Although we shared rooms, everyone had their own beds. Jimin was turning and pouting in his sleep. He looked so cute, I thought as I made my bed and headed to take a shower.
I had on my grey sweatpants, black hoodie, black beanie and my jogger sneakers.
It was 9:45am and I had 15minutes till the driver arrived. I went downstairs after getting ready to get at least something in my now rumbling stomach.
When I got into the kitchen I found Jin hyung making breakfast for everyone. He has always been the best hyung ever since I met him. He handed me my small  backpack with everything I needed... This was the best part of being the maknae.Hyungs took care of you.
I took breakfast and soon headed out of the dom biding Jin goodbye.
I had everything all set and my playlist in check. The ride was quiet since I was alone in the backseat. I took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter to see the funny memes Army had posted.

It didn't take long to get to the hiking trail. My driver was going to fetch me after I was done with the hike like I suggested. Better than waiting out here in the car all alone. Before I came out of the car I saw a girl pass by with her bicycle smiling and humming to a song I couldn't clearly make out. She stopped at the gate and talked to Mr Lee for a while before her head dropped and you could see clear disappointment written all over her face. I guess she wasn't allowed in as I had booked the whole trail. I felt so bad for her and had to do something.
I walked over and told Mr Lee to let get in since she was alone and I didn't see any harm, besides she had purple 'Love Yourself' hoodie and I thought she must have been an Army.
After talking to Mr Lee...the girl turned around and froze without a word and after a few attempts to get her attention, she thanked me, parked her bike and ran off into the trail.

"Cute... So cute"... I thought to myself as I got in as well.

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