~Chapter 23~ Clubbing and Dinner Dates

Start from the beginning

"Harry!" I harshly whispered. "What are you going to do, offer them a modeling job at Victoria's Secret?!" Once he saw what was in his hand, his face flushed with embarrassment. Avoiding eye contact with me, he reached over to his nightstand and picked up the table lamp.

He reached for the door handle. Quietly, he whispered, "1,2,3!" He yanked open the door, ready to attack whoever was on the other side of it. We both let out sighs of relief when we saw that it was just our friends.

But they all looked very pissed off. "Will you guys shut up for five minutes?!" Sabrina spat. "I'm trying to do my hair!" With that, she turned on her heel and stomped back to her room. Niall quickly ran behind her, looking like a lost puppy.

Since there was nothing left to say, everyone else went back to their hotel rooms. I decided to go take a shower and continue getting ready for tonight.


~Charlotte's POV~

"Li! You promised me that you would help me get ready for the dinner date tonight!" I whined. I was getting ready for tonight at Red Lobster, and someone promised that they would help me. But a certain someone didn't.

"Char, I told you multiple times that football is on! I can never miss this!"

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Liam, what's the fun in watching sweaty, muscular guys kick a ball around? Now that you think about it, scoot over I want to watch too."

He smirked at me. "Don't you have a date to be getting ready for?" I glared at him. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"

He thought this over and nodded. "True that. True that." I stood back up to continue looking for a dress to wear in my suitcase. Once I found one, I sighed in relief. Thank God I packed more than one dress.

"That dress looks nice." Liam said with his eyes still fixated onto the TV screen. I placed my hand on my hip, cautious of my petruding baby bump. "Oh really?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

"Then what color is it?" I asked with a smirk. I saw him try to see the dress from the corner of his eye, but of course he couldn't. "Blue?" It came out of more than a question than a statement.

"Liam, how blind are you? The color of this dress is WHITE! I worry about you sometimes." For some odd reason, I was crying. Once he heard me sniff, he got up and rushed over to me. "Char, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He whispered.

I shook my head. "Liam, you didn't. It's just that my emotions get the best of me sometimes." I shrugged. "This is what happens when you're pregnant, I guess."

He chuckled. "Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" He asked with wonder. I shrugged. 

"Well I know one thing." He said. "What is it?" I asked him with wonder. "If it's a girl, it will be beautiful like it's mother."

I giggled. "Thank you Li."

He kissed me on my forehead. "No problem Char."


~Sabrina's POV~

Once we arrived at the club, the place was pumping loud with music. I had to strain my ears in order to hear what anyone was saying. While Hazel, Louis, Veronica and Zayn headed to the bar, Niall and I decided to head out to the dance floor.

I took this as an opportunity to let myself go loose. I began to dance like a complete maniac, doing the Bernie and the Cupid Shuffle while doing the 'Pat The Dog and Screw The Lightbulb'. This resulted into me looking completely crazy, until all of my friends began to join me.

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