~Chapter 9~ Concerts and Fangirls

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~Louis' Point Of View~

I woke up to find Hazel next to me, completely unfazed by all of the twists and turns this bus took just to get to Florida. Florida would be our last stop, and from there we would head back to England, taking a month off before our next tour.

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before rolling out of bed. I entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Tonight is going to be a long night. I thought to myself.

I sat down in the kitchen while I drank a cup of fresh Lipton tea. I suddenly felt very homesick. I longed to see big my sisters have gotten. I heard someone sit down next to me, and I turned to see Hazel's beautiful eyes looking at me. 

Even with bedhead, she was beautiful no matter what she did. "Good morning." She said with a tired voice. I mumbled good morning back to her, then got up to go take a shower. When I came back from my shower, I saw that everyone else was awake as well and they were all nervously talking about today's concert.

I looked out the window above one of the seats along the walls to see that we had been parked behind the concert hall where we would perform tonight.


~Harry's Point Of View~

Not a lot of people know this, but I have feelings for Talia. I have had feelings for her since the start. 

Believe it or not, when the security guard came to pry her off of me, I just noticed something immediately: 

I'm in love with this girl. Everything about her is perfect. From her perfect blue eyes, to her perfect honey blonde hair. I want her to be mine. Tonight is the night I will ask her to be my girlfriend.

Even though I sound desperate right now, I hope she says yes.


When I woke up this morning, I saw that she had been lying down next to me in my bunk, her arms wrapped firmly around my torso. I had to resist the urge to wake her up and smash my lips against hers.

When I looked over at her beautiful face, her eyes had been closed tightly shut, with a smile plastered onto her face. The smile gave away her dimple in her left cheek, and she looked so adorable with it.

Without warning, her eyes fluttered open. When she saw that I was next to her, she smiled before slowly climbing out of bed and heading to the bathroom, blonde wisps of hair flying out of her bun.

When I got out of bed myself, I saw something that I wish I hadn't.

Liam was laying down in the bunk under me with a pillow to his face. The pillow muffled the sound of his voice as he quietly cried to himself. I saw that his phone was next to him, so I picked it up and looked at the screen.

He had been on Facebook, and there was this guy who posted a picture of him and Danielle making out. Under the picture, Danielle commented: I hope for last night to happen sometime again, Josh ;)

I felt sick to my stomach. This explains why Liam has been so quiet lately. Danielle had been cheating on him. Looking through his texts, I saw that she broke up with him and sent him the link to the facebook page to explain what happened while he was gone.

What a bitch. I can't believe she actually did that. I slowly set the phone back down next to Liam and quietly walked out of the room into the sitting area.

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