Chapter fourteen

Mulai dari awal

A few minutes later, and me shouting because I couldn't tie my tie, later we finally got to school. Leah stops at the school gates to let me out, not going any further because if she did she would be bombarded by all of her amazing fans.

"Bye, love you" She says, rolling the window down.

"Bye, love you, do you know who's picking me up tonight"

"Yeah, were all going to Kim's tonight so Anna said she'd pick you up for us cause your on the way"

"Ok, remember its football training tonight"

"Yes, yes I know don't forget to tell Anna though" Leah says rolling her eyes as if she didn't already know.

"Ok, bye" I say walking through the school gate just as the bell rings for form.

Walking through the corridors now that mine and the rest of the lionesses' faces were plastered all over the internet was different. Nearly every step I took I had people asking me if I was actually 'the' Rosie all over the news or asking for a picture or a signature. Eventually I was saved by my favourite teacher ever Miss Cattanach

"Right everyone to form now!" She shouted making her way to stand next to me, as everyone disappeared into their form rooms.

"Thank you" I say smiling brightly at her

"No problem Rosie, congratulations by the way you deserve it" She says smiling back at me.

"Thanks, I think I'd better get to form now, Mr Winrow will be wondering where I am" I say

"Yeah you go ahead, i'll see you later ok"

"Ok thanks, i'll see you later" I say walking off in the direction of the room I'm meant to be in. As I walk through the door everyone is sitting down and silent, doing the register, however my appearance strikes a chattiness in the classroom. I just ignore everyone's questions and head to my seat next to Callum with a few of the other boys.

*skip to lunch*

It's now lunchtime and me and Rowan, who was in my last class, were making our way to the sports hall, where we were meeting the rest of the team. Making our way inside the sports hall and seeing everyone sitting there was a relief away from all the people shouting my name and asking for a signature or a picture. Unusually there is a group of boys from different year groups sat in there as well. As soon as they see me they start to shout horrible things at me.

"What are you doing here"

"Girls don't play sports"

"Why don't you hang around with girls"

"Bet your not even that good"

"Bet you can't name 5 male players"

And many more insults are shouted in my direction, until I turn to look at them with a bored expression on my face.

"I don't care what you think," I say ",I've had much worse shouted in my direction"

"Oh yeah like what, that your a massive slag for hanging around with all boys and thinking you're good a sport"

"If you must know, she's a professional football player so I would keep your mouth shut" Max tries to rescue me but it only makes it worse.

"Oh really i don't believe you"

"Okay" I reply not really caring what he thinks just wanting to sit down and eat my dinner

"Right, your team vs my team football after lunch"

"Okay then, can I eat my dinner now?" I say, fed up with this little immature boy.

"I guess so, don't sit too close to me. I might get a disease. '' I just rolled my eyes at his statement and found the chair right behind him, just to annoy him.

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