"Hey, what's that you've got there then?" I asked a little girl who had a piece of cardboard hidden behind her back. She nervously pulled it from behind her back, when I saw it I nearly cried. In the middle it had a picture of me and it said 'Roro I love you please can I have your shirt'.

"Do you want it?" I say to her as she nods nervously, putting her head down. "Hey don't do that, I don't bite '' I say pulling my shirt over my head, knowing she would want the one that I was wearing in the match, as we both laughed, her easing up a little bit. "So what's your name"

"Thea" She says as she looks at me admiringly

"Well Thea would you like me to sign my shirt or your sign"

"Could you sign both please" She says coming out of her shell a little bit more

"Of course I can." I say, taking the pen she was holding in her hand and signing both of them.

Once I had finished giving all of my things away, including my boots, which now left me shoeless and topless it was time for the trophy ceremony and then the afterparty. As everyone was slowly making their way to where everyone was lined up I ran over to the team.

"You can come to the afterparty if you want to, I've given security all of your names to put on the list just in case you wanted to come, it's at the hotel on the next street."

"Yeah we'll be there, now you go you've got a medal to get" Ben says pushing me slightly, as they all laugh at me running over to Leah and Beth, near the back of the crowd.

Lining up to get my first ever senior medal was a dream. What surprised me even more is when they called my name out for both the golden boot and young player of the tournament. Along with Beth who was player of the tournament and Keira who was player of the match.

Lining up to go through the guard of honour that the German team had created for us gave me butterflies. I knew that if my dad was here right now he would be so proud of me and I hope he's watching from wherever he is. I want my mum to be proud of me but I doubt that will happen, she hasn't even messaged to ask if I'm ok. But I don't need her. I've got my Arsenal family now.

Alex Scott stood to give me my medal. As well as doing that she gave me a hug and whispered how proud she was in my ear, Alex will always be like a mum to me, like Leah, she's always been there for me when Leah couldn't.

*skip to afterparty*

My first ever England medal at just 15 years old, I felt like I was on top of the world until we got to the afterparty, in the changing rooms we were singing and dancing. Me and Leah were standing in a corner trying to get vodka into my can of coke so no one was suspicious in all the videos because I'm still underage, although I think we put too much in because now my head is spinning and I can't walk straight.

Walking into the afterparty with the rest of the team was awesome, everyone was stood around giving us a round of applause before we all split off to go and speak to family and friends that had turned up, luckily the boys didn't bring the little ones back with them, otherwise that would have been a disaster. Especially seeing all of their idols, drunk off their heads.

"I love you guys" I drunkenly shout, as we are all sitting in a corner of the room, practically sitting on each other.

"We love you to Rosie" Callum says the rest of them laughing at my drunken state

After a while and i'd gotten people to go and get my drinks for me because I was 'too comfy' they announced they had to go

"But I don't want you to goooo" I say clinging onto about 5 arms at once

"But we have to, i'm sorry we told my mum we would be back for 12 and it's quarter to" Ben said prying my arms from around his and the other ones I was holding onto

"Noooooooo" I say running back to grab his arm, this time he decided that he definitely needed some help. So, he walked me over to where Viv and Kim were sitting with their drinks half empty, probably talking about something boring.

"Hey, do you mind keeping her here for a bit, we've got to go and she won't let go" Ben asks, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Of course," Viv says putting her glass back down on the table ",come on you" she says pulling me from his arm and sitting me on her knee

"Thanks so much again," He says rubbing his arm from where I had my arms around him ",sorry for just dumping her on you"

"No dont worry about it shes usually like this when she's drunk, unless she's with Anna" Kim says as Viv tries to distract me seeing them all go in case I bolt out like I did once.

"Thanks again, tell her I said bye" He says turning to walk out the door that Callum was standing by waving him over so they could go.

"Bye, i will do don't worry"


Caption- News flash

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Caption- News flash

Rosie, number 26, seen last night hugging a boy who we assume to be her boyfriend, reports say that she was very close with him all night after their win on the Arnold Clark cup. Does our number 26 have a boyfriend? Will she ever come clean?


@arsenalwfcfan- Oh my god Rosie has a boyfriend

@user023974893- I don't think he deserves someone like her, she's just a backstabbing bitch who takes other peoples places

@userawfc9277483- I think this should be taken down, you wouldn't like it if this happened to you so don't do it to other people

@kimlittle1990- Please take this down, I don't think she would appreciate this being posted all over the internet, if she wanted people to know if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend then she would do it on her own terms

(post taken down 6:57am 24th feb 2022)

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