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A mistake that most people make is living the lives of others, and by that, I mean that it is best to live your own life rather than someone else's.

Unfortunately, I had to learn that the hard way.

This started when the king of Norumann finally decided to address certain matters with his advisors.

"Your majesty, your people have been complaining for quite a while now. We must address this." One of the King's advisors spoke first, starting the meeting immediately.

"Right. Remind me again as to what they are grumbling about." King Vartan replies, sighing heavily and annoyed.

"Sire, I don't believe this is some simple complaint..." Another advisor said, his voice trailing off nervously.

"What has happened to my kingdom?" The king asked worriedly.

"My Lord, the people's livestock has been slaughtered frequently and they are spreading rumors that it is caused by some beast." Lord Berne, the king's favorite advisor, stated.

"How is that my concern?" His voice was filled with disinterest as he started mindlessly playing with his beard silence filling the room.

"Your majesty, this beast lives in Fildin Forest, the very forest where most of our resources come from." An advisor stated.

"And?" The king asked, oblivious to the situation currently at his hands.

"If we are not able to approach the forest safely, we lose our resources and we lose gold and then you lose gold." Lord Berne pointed out, knowing full well about how little the king cared for his people but cared greatly for his riches.

"I want this sorted out immediately!" King Vartan yells out as his advisors nod and start giving suggestions.

"You could put in your best soldiers to kill this beast."An advisor suggested as the king put thought into this suggestion.

"Some men have already gone into the forest to slay the creature but none came back. It will take many soldiers to kill this monster."

"Perhaps we can hire Mr. Fletcher to do this for us." Lord Berne suggested ignoring the look of disapproval on the majority of the advisors' faces.

"We shall do no such thing! Mr. Fletcher has been retired for sixteen years!" One of the advisors objected followed by nods of approval from others.

Thomas Fletcher, the legendary hunter whose skills are unmatched when it comes to tracking and slaying monsters that haunts us so. He mainly fights for the sake of people but has been in the service of the king quite a few times.

"We don't have a choice but to do so." Lord Berne protested as King Vartan was still giving the idea thought.

Desperate, Lord Berne turned towards his majesty. "Sire, he is our best chance if we want to dispose of that creature, if not you will surely lose your riches!" He said quite loudly.

The king needed no further explanation and immediately ordered a nearby servant to prepare a carriage and some of his men to go fetch Thomas Fletcher.

And just like that the meeting had ended and the king got up from his seat and left the room, followed by Lord Berne.

"Your Majesty, what are we to do if Fletcher doesn't accept the job?" He asked as he walked by his king's side.

"Thomas has been a long-time friend of mine, and even if he was not, who would deny service to their king?" King Vartan said, a tone filled with certainty.

"No one, sire." Lord Berne answered.

"Exactly, you will go with them." The king ordered. "Yes, sir." Lord Berne replied.

The king continued walking while Lord Berne looked outside windows and observed some men preparing the carriages, he was deep in thought as he kept watching their every move.

I guess we all had to learn the hard way somehow.

Legacy: The HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now