Do you recognize me ? - Part 1

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Heartbroken, shattered, defeated, disrespected, lost and dead..........were some of the few adjectives that'd describe Dhruv currently. He departed from 17th century along with his dad after the girl he loved her wanted him to leave......the girl for whom he had placed his body in the line of death several times......but somehow it wasn't enough......he wasn't enough........his love wasn't enough.......and now he was tired of not being ENOUGH. He left in silence of the midnight with a promise to never return to the place and people who destroyed his family and now him. He felt his soul cry in pain but he has to keep a strong front for his dad......the dad he never knew he had......the dad whom he hated his entire life because of a misunderstanding.......he knew he had to live for his dad now........

Cut to 21st century :-
After filling all the formalities & admitting his dad in the hospital, Dhruv went outside to find some alone time. His heart and mind felt heavy and he wanted to just be alone to be himself.......he walked around aimlessly with no hope in his eyes. The blaring of vehicles or the chatter of people around him.......nothing seemed to reach his ears. He was too occupied by the fbs of the woman he loved and the people he considered his own......mistreating him and his dad..........

It was at this moment when he suddenly felt a strong yet delicate arm pull him away from the road.........the touch felt familiar, he thought to himself......
But before he could process and collect himself......he saw a familiar face in front of as the face of the woman who was once his best friend but destiny had some other plans for both of them.....he was now a stranger to her......he thought in his mind.

Are you out of your mind ? What were you even thinking DHRUV ? Didn't you hear the loud blares of the car approaching your from behind ? You could've been in an accident!!!! I'm talking to you!!!! Are you even listening to me DHRUV!!!!!!????

DHRUV!!!!!! Did she just call him by his name or was he day dreaming ? Or was he hallucinating ? Did she really recognise him ?

Kya kaha tumne abhi ? Dhruv asked.

Kya kaha maine ???? Ayesha replied angrily.

Dhyaan kahan thaa tumhara Dhruv!!!! Kya soch kar aise chal rahe thay tum Dhruv.....Ayesha reiterated in anger and confusion.

He wasn't daydreaming. His once upon a best friend recognised him to his surprise because she would've been the last person he'd have thought would recognise him at any point of time but she did.....

You've to tell me what is going on ? I saw you filling formalities on the counter. I thought someone in the family isn't doing well so I went on to check it myself. But to my surprise, I found Ravi uncle's name written in the form. I was shocked and I had this feeling that something isn't right and I need to know what all has transpired. Where was Ravi uncle all these years ? How did you meet him ? And, why is he in such a bad state ? I know you don't consider me your own in any way and I'm not blaming you either but this is your friend asking you....I'm worried so please tell me what is all this ...... Ayesha pleaded.

How did you recognise me ? Asked a baffled Dhruv.

What sort of question is this ? Why will I not recognise you ? How can I not recognise you ? Dhruv , I know we have had problems in the past but we were friends too & I still and I always will consider you my own. Our past doesn't make you a stranger for me......replied Ayesha.

Dhruv took a few slow and small steps and sat down on the lone bench in the park. Ayesha followed him, determined to know what was hurting him and why was her always strong friend this bereaved and lost.

She sat near him......still unsure of what to expect but she wasn't leaving him there in this state no matter what happens.

Dhruv......tell me......asked a now tearful Ayesha.

Dhruv took a deep breath as something inside him told him to open up in front of his friend, his only friend.

Are you sure you want to hear ME? Asked Dhruv....

I am......she nodded as she gathered courage to her hold his hand as a mark of support with her shaky shivering hand.

"Tara wasn't a normal girl. She was princess of VB. She belonged to 17th century. Yes, she wasn't from our time. She time travelled through a portal to find a doctor to treat her brother who was suffering from brain tumor. I treated her brother successfully amidst all the problems and death threats that came in the way. The time portal cursed me and Tara because we defied rules of time and as a result my entire existence got wiped out from our timeline. My family doesn't even remember me now. You know Ayesha my dad never left me and maa for another woman. It was Tara's mom who previously time travelled and my dad helped her in finding her way back home. He didn't leave us. He was unlucky that he got stuck in the portal and was left alone. He was brutally tortured; tortured to an extent that he is now half dead. He didn't leave us Ayesha. He had to pay a heavy price for his goodness.....I wish he was with us. It kills me to see him in this position. What kills me even more is that the woman I loved never found me enough. Neither my love was enough for her, nor was my pain....."

I thought I'm no one now but you recognising me came as a shocker. You didnt forget me.........- Dhruv

I can never forget you.........Dhruv - Ayesha.

Do you believe the things I .......but before Dhruv could complete his sentence he was cut off by Ayesha.

I believe you. I believe in each and every word of yours.......I trust you and I want you to know that you're not alone in this now. I'm here for you. You've a family in me. This is the same place Dhruv where things changed between us and I lost you and our friendship. I know we aren't what we used to be but I want you to know that it was in past and this time I'll fulfill all the duties of a best're not alone, Dhruv......replied Ayesha with determination and pain in her eyes.

Thank you..........was all Dhruv could utter as he delicately rubbed her hand holding his hand.......

Don't say thank you to me.....this is my chance at redemption and to earn my best friend back. I promise I'll not repeat my mistakes & I hope you will forgive me with all your heart. - Ayesha

Dhruv tried to speak up but was again cut off by Ayesha......ssshhhh you don't have to say anything to reduce my guilt. This is not the time to ease me. This is the time for you to ease yourself. This is the time for you to know that you're not alone in this fight.....

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