~ Chapter Twenty Five: Twice the Beating, Double the Fall ~

Start from the beginning

"When Zsasz came for you, I should've stayed," Essen looked at him with regret. "I told you to go," Jim reminded her. "That doesn't matter, I should've stayed," Essen composed herself. "Now, let's get this guy,"


"Inciting violence by smacking Thomas Elliot?!' Headmaster Koch's voice boomed throughout his office. Holly sat uncomfortably in the chair directly across from him. Her victory might've been short-lived, but she didn't regret it one bit. "You don't understand what was going on," Holly muttered. "I understand perfectly, Ms. Gordon. I've had five students come to my office and say they saw you strike Tommy for no reason!"

"I didn't strike him for no reason. He started making fun of me and Bruce. Don't you remember the name he referred to me as in the auditorium a week ago? Middle Class?" Holly reminded him. "Someone calling you names is no excuse to hit them. No matter what Thomas might've done to you, retaliation is not the answer," Mr. Koch continued. Holly stood up, as the headmaster told her to sit back down. She was outraged by the way he was talking. Was he blaming her and Bruce for the bullying they endured?

Holly shook her in disgust, eyes squinting as she eyed the middle-aged man. "With all due respect, sir. I don't think you've ever been bullied a day in your life, so you don't understand what I and countless others go through. If I tried to speak up, I knew you'd make empty promises and sweep everything under the rug," Holly spoke. Headmaster Koch tried to interrupt her, but Gordon continued talking. "You know it's the truth. You let people like Tommy Elliot get away with anything and everything. But what happens when someone has had enough and decides to snap, are you gonna blame the victim then?"

"Are you... threatening me, Ms. Gordon?" Headmaster Koch couldn't admit to her face, but her demeanor sent a few chills down his spine. "Not at all," Holly's intimidating tone turned back to normal. "I'm just saying that if you want to avoid more 'violence' then I'd suggest you stop blaming the victims and take action," With that, Holly picked up her backpack and walked out, leaving the headmaster with the lingering thought. As she walked down the empty hallway, Holly felt confident, like she had just solved math's toughest equation.

It happened all the time, she saw it for herself. The bullied become the bullies. The victims stooping to unthinkable lows. If her message had gotten through the thick skull of Headmaster Koch, perhaps life wouldn't be so unbearable for her and everyone Tommy and his gang tormented.

Later that day, when school let out, Bruce, although thankful for Holly's intervention when it came to Tommy, couldn't unshake the mention of his mother being used against him. No matter how hard he tried to calm down, it felt like any moment he could explode. He dashed down the stairs as quickly as he could, not even saying goodbye to Holly or Cara as they waited for him at the bottom of the steps. He stepped into the loading zone where Alfred was waiting, trying to spot him amongst the sea of uniformed students.

"Tad late, Master Bruce!" Alfred commented when he finally spotted the young boy rushing down the steps. But Bruce was quiet as a mouse, and that instantly made Alfred question what was wrong. "What's going on?" He asked, stopping him in his tracks. "Nothing, I'm perfectly fine!" Bruce insisted. But the butler asked again what happened, this time checking to see if anyone hurt him. "Someone spoke disrespectfully about my mother," Bruce finally admitted. "Oh, did they now? Well, I hope you broke their bastard teeth for them, hmm?" Alfred straightened the boy's blazer.

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