18 - Birdie

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By the time we made it to my new apartment, I was exhausted. We decided to assemble the furniture, leaving the boxes for another day as we sank down on the couch and ate pizza, and got lost in the latest Fast & Furious movie.

"How many apartments are in this building?" I asked as I took a sip from my Bud Light, wincing as the bubbles tickled my nose.

"Three," he replied.

"Can I get a tour of yours?" I asked, feeling the beer slowly claw back my inhibitions. Elijah's lips twisted up in a lopsided smirk.

His face screwed up in thought as his tongue ran out over his lower lip. "Can I get a raincheck for tomorrow?" he asked, stretching his arms above his head with a groan and causing his shirt to lift, revealing more ink that sank below his jeans, covered in a light dusting of dark hair. "I have a client first thing in the morning getting a sleeve done and I already have the space sterilized."

"Okay, yeah," I waved away his response before holding out my hand for him to help me up. "I should really find my clothing and get a shower anyway."

He smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet with more force than I anticipated, causing me to stumble against him. My hands planted against his muscular chest as I gazed up at his hooded eyes.

"S-sorry," I stammered. As I moved to take a step back his arm circled my waist and hauled me against him. I yelped, sliding my hands up to his shoulders. His face lowered, his gaze dipping to my lips. I let my eyes flutter closed, desperate to feel his mouth on mine.

His breath fanned over my face, so close I could feel the heat from his skin as he whispered, "To be continued, Bird." He released me and my knees nearly buckled as I stammered a goodbye.

"I'll make sure to bring some new light bulbs for the lamp in the new book corner," he called behind him. "And I'll bring some tools to fix this door, so it doesn't keep sticking."

"Oh, okay," I called out, giving him a quick wave, my head felt light, and I had to lean against a box to keep from tipping over. I'd only had a couple of beers, but with exhaustion setting in, I felt wasted. At least I would sleep well tonight knowing that everything was falling into place. I had a new apartment, a new job, and a guy who seemed to be genuinely into me. Now if only I could find my little vibrating toy, this night would be complete.


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