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"So wait. You're telling me you didn't... At all... Find Alexandria... When it was like a day or two walk from the prison?" Rick asks me as I nod.

"I probably went in circles for a while. I ended up at an abandoned city. Then I went back the way I came. I did camp out at the city for a long time" I say as Rick slowly nods.

I'm sitting in... Daryl's house? I don't know. I guess Carol and Daryl decided to share a house or something. Although Carol sleeps upstairs and Daryl sleeps in the basement.

I shift in my seat at the table as Rick quizzes me as to how the hell I managed to get as lost as I did.

"Well. Look at it this way. You also said Beth got lost. You guys were all split up. I have no clue who gave me a backpack of supplies that day. I gained consciousness way after the person left it" I explain as Rick slowly nods.

"Well until we do a through check, cause we need to make sure your in the clear, as in you had nothing to do with another group, such as the Survivors, you are to stay here with your fiance" Rick says as I snort.

"Nah. I was planning on staying with Michonne" I say jokingly as he glares at me.

"Yes sir... " I mumble as he gets up.

"Daryl. Make sure he doesn't leave your sight" Rick says before leaving.

Carol finishes making tea as she offers me some.

I mumble a 'sure' as Daryl looks at me.

"I thought you were dead" he says.

"Why? I mean I sure felt like I was at some point" I say as he shakes his head.

"I couldn't find you. I would go out daily I'm hopes that you would pop up out of the blue. But you didn't. And after the sixth month of doing so, I started to think the worse. We had patrols check for you and everything. I started staying inside a lot, and away from people unless they needed me. I actually went into a state of depression because of it" he says.

"I started having anxiety attacks cause I had no clue where anyone was. I'm sorry you went though that. But hey... I'm not dead" I say as he just looks at me.

Carol joins us at the table as she gives me a cup of hot tea.

"I shouldn't have left your side that day" he says as he is referring to the incident at the prison.

"I would have found this place even if Eugene didn't find me. I was planning on walking in the same direction for another day. I didn't know I was so close to a sanctuary. Let alone any of you guys" I say.

"I think you have been very brave to travel alone and survive for as long as you did. Most people can't even avoid a few walkers on their own" Carol says to me as I smile.

"I had to fight through three seperate hordes. And to enter the city I had to get past walkers who were chained up around the sides of the city" I say as I sip the tea that was given to me.

It tastes like chamomile. Only my gay ass would know that.

"See Daryl. I told you that he would be fine. Y/n is far from weak. You just got stressed out a lot" she says towards Daryl as he grunts.

"Yea whatever" Daryl says.

"He saved my daughter the day we met him. You know that he will do anything to protect others and himself" Carol states as I just sit there with my gaze on my tea.

"Who exactly is Negan? " I ask as they go quiet.

"He is in charge of a group known as the Saviors. However, everyone in the group calls themself Negan. So we have been attempting to find out who he is. The Saviors made many attacks on us so far and ha e stolen our supplies" she explains as I nod.

"Listen I'm just glad to be back. So for now... I don't want to worry about stuff like that" I say as I down the rest of my tea.

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